Alaska Gold Nuggets Found with SDC 2300

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My brother got these eleven gold nuggets the day before yesterday in Alaska with the new Minelab SDC 2300. Largest nugget 2.1 grams and total weight 5.7 grams. I have a similar number but mine are smaller. We are really liking the SDC 2300 for our rainy, brushy hunting conditions.

Gold has been slow coming for us so far but Chris Ralph joins us in a couple days, and I told him to package a bag full of good luck!


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  • Admin

Hey Steve,

Great to see the collection of nuggets your Brother found. The SDC 2300 will really serve it's purpose for a specific type of nuggetshooting. I'm looking forward to using it as my "pack in and prospect" detector. If I find a really good spot, I can always at some point bring in the big gun, GPX 5000 to see what I might have missed at depth.

Not much water here in Arizona, so the waterproof feature hasn't been used for me. That being said, I have sold several to guys in California and Alaska that have big plans for it underwater and sniping.

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