Gold Bug-II vs Gold Bug PRO

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Question???? - I have a Gold Bug-II and I am thinking of selling it in order to purchase a Gold Bug Pro. Have seen some post regarding how the Gold Bug Pro is a much better detector for finding smaller dinks and a deeper depth. Just finished reading Ray Mills book and according to Ray, he feels that the GB-Pro is a much better machine - Any Feed Back Would Be Appreciated. The Gold Bug is my back-up to my ML-5000. Thanks Guys.

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Have to agree with Boulder Dash.

Don't sell you GB2.

It will find gold smaller than the GBpro.

We use both of them.

You may have to do some scraping to get to bedrock, but it will sniff out those small pieces.

Heres a pic of a macro nugget I found a couple of weeks ago with the GB2, the GB pro would not have heard it.

If your using a 5000 and a GB2 its a killer combo. That's what im using also.

Are you using the 6" coil on the GB2?

Tom H.


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Thanks everybody for your input, I appreciate all of your feed-back. Looks like I'll be keeping what I have and continue to enjoy my elusive hunt for those micro-dinks. And Tom, regarding your question on what coil size I use. I use both a 6" and 10" coil when out nugget hunting. The area that I detect in will usually dictate what coil size I use for hunting in that particular area. Again - Thank You All For Your Responses & May You Alway Find Gold In You Adventures. Kevin

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  • 2 weeks later...

Almost went with the GB2 but finally went with a Pro - cheaper and easier to learn on I figure.

But always keeping my eye out for good used GB2 but also now considering the Nokta FORS gold as an alternative "next" machine.


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