Fors gold cleanup

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I headed back to previous patch to do some gridding and cleanup the area of signals. Found several more smaller pieces then moved across the small creek to the next undetected ridge. Found another small patch of gold. Then decided to try a few more minutes before heading home. I went around a big manzanita to opposite side of where i was detecting previously. I got a screaming signal.  I was surprised to see it turn out to be a nice nugget. ended up with 8.8 dwt for the day. Still have several more ridges to detect in this gold deposit area. We'll see how she goes next time. All in all Fors plus did a great job in all metal mode. It is great on tiny signals as well as bigger. 

Good luck




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Hey Californiagold

 What coil are you swinging ? That's some great looking gold you're finding. If you ever get to the point you need help digging give me a call.ha

Keep it up on coming up with that yellow metal. Thanks for the picture.


PS I've got the Gold Plus I just to get to the gold country.

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