Unusual Rye Patch nuggets

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I just got back from 5 days out hunting at Rye Patch with a group of friends.  One of our group snagged 18 little dinks with his 2300.  A couple other guys also got one or two.

Luckily, I managed to score the best but they are not your usual Rye Patch nuggets.  The large one has quartz attached.  Out of the hundreds of nuggets I've found out there over the years, I've only seen two others with quartz.  It's very rare.  The other is not heavy, but paper thin.  Again, not your usual pieces from there.  Both were about 10 inches deep and gave faint signals.  No chevrons or any other marks that would distinguish them as unique to Rye Patch.



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Hey Digger Bob,

  Thanks for sharing those unique gold nuggets.  I wish I would have spent more time up there back in the 90's.  I didn't care much about the Chevron gold back then, just too far away.  That being said, a friend that has pounded that area for the last 25 years has a Museum collection of Rye Patch gold that has some of the best crystal patterns I have ever seen.  He don't post on the forums, nor talk much about his gold.  

Great to hear from you.  Hope all is well.  

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