White's Goldmaster 3 for Sale

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Hello All,

Anyone interested in a used White's GM3 with the stock elliptical searhcoil plus a new 14-inch Jimmy Sierra Elliptical? Any good offer won't be refused! :P I now have two good conditioned GM3's, but can only use one.

You can email me at - [email protected] or reply here on the forum.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hello John,

I'm not certain what I want for it, I'm looking for someone to make me a fair offer on it. I have the detector, stock coil and a new Jimmy Sierra coil for it. What's it worth, about a Grand? :rolleyes:

Mike K. also wrote me an email about it.

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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Hi Rob, Russ and All

It's probably worth at least 50 gees for all the gold and space rocks I've found with mine but I wouldn't sell it to Russ for anything less than 20 gees :D !! Maybe I'll only charge Russ 10 gees to learn him how to use it :) !! God knows what could happen maybe Studmuffin might find him a table full-o-sumptin :( !! Once he's used black he'll never go back :huh: !! Maybe you should hang on to it and take it to Alaska on your trip :mellow: !! All you'll need is that GM3 and a coil tech coil ( for the photos) and heck you maybe famous tooo :) !!! Heck You'll be on the cover of all the prospecting magazines and minelab/coiltech adds holdin you new found lump at 28 inches in cleaned out vlf patches ;) !! You might even get an invite from Leno ,Letterman or even Dr Phil show and become an international hero :) !! Start writing books signing autographs and have thousands appear at your world tour speaking engagements :D !! Just remember us poor prospectors when you do make the big time :mellow: !! Happy Huntin John B.

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Hello John,

Anyone wanting to give me $400 cash can walk with the detector. Really, I'm selling the detector for under $300 since the new Jimmy Sierra Goldmax coil cost me over $110 from Ron Long (AZ-Gold) when he sold White's detectors and accessories.

Not interested in Credit Card purchases for this unit. Cash talks ... ;)

P.S. John, GM3 straight across for the 13-14 ouncer! :o

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Hello Gaine,

Yes, the Jimmy Sierra 14-inch GoldMax gets better depth and is still extremly sensitive to small gold and specimens. I actually have another GM3 with a used Sierra GoldMax, but it's not for sale. However, I have no use for two of them just sitting.

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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Anyone wanting to give me $400 cash can walk with the detector.  Really, I'm selling the detector for under $300 since the new Jimmy Sierra Goldmax coil cost me over $110 from Ron Long (AZ-Gold) when he sold White's detectors and accessories.

Rob, have you sold it yet? If not, send an e-mail to Gary@ Hystware.com or give me a call..... @ (909) 980-2077, hope it hasn't been snatched up yet. I'd like to give it to my son for his birthday!!! B) _GG

BTW, if you get the answering machine please leave a message, I return'em all :blink:


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