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Hello All,

Over the years there have only been a few books that I consider GREAT! Without a doubt, Jim Straight is one of the best authors out there when it comes to electronic prospecting/metal detecting. Jim's an Icon in my eyes along with a Mentor. :D Many of his books over the years gave me more than just information, but encouragement to continue the great quest for gold. Having a great passion for precious metals and rock geology there is no book that will touch "ADVANCED PROSPECTING & DETECTING FOR HARDROCK GOLD."

This booklet talks about regional geology, types of gold placers, associated minerals, and various gold bearing deposits and on and on .....

If you have an extra $10 lying around, this book is worth every penny of it.

I guess I was just born 30-40 years too late. I would have loved to been on one of Jim's Magnificent Quests. ;)

I have this booklet in stock, and your price here is $8.95 +$2.50 Media Mail.

Order today.

Rob Allison

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Hello Wes and Rex,

Yes, Paypal payments are fine. I don't have a direct Paypal link, so what you need to do is "Sent Payment" through paypal using this email address - auplacers@yahoo.com

Please send $11.45, which will cover the book and shipping.

Rex- Your book is shipping this morning! :D Sent you an email about the details.

P.S. You will love this book. A bit technical, but well worth the investment.

Thanks guys,

Rob Allison

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Hello All who have posted... To answer Bob(ak), Rob has contributed great stuff to the 7th edition. He is most knowledgeable and has been a long time friend over

at at least 8-years. For those that have bought the 7th edition, check out *27g, pgs 292-293. Also, *5 pgs. 268-269.

Rob has been a long time friend... I'm lucky... He is most capable. More later, my great-granddaughter is tugging me... we gottoa go to McDonald so she cam play

on the indoor slides... "gold" comes in many forms...

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Dear Rob;

You're darned right it's a great book! Not only do I have ADVANCED PROSPECTING & DETECTING FOR HARDROCK GOLD I also am fortunate enough to have FOLLOW THE DRYWASHERS VOL. 3 "NUGGETSOOTERS BIBLE". Between these two volumes I've learned how to prospect for gold in Bolivia and while these volumes were written mainly for the Western United States, there is a LOT of GREAT data to be gleaned from them that is of benefit to prospectors all over the world, including South America. A bit technical you say? I disagree with you there my friend. Talk to a geologist and then you'll hear some technical talk! Jim Straight has a unique way of explaining geology in easy to understand laymans' terms and after you read his books you do not feel the need to get a masters degree in geology in order to understand what you've read. His writing style is geared more towards practical applications and he uses almost no difficult to understand, obscure theories in his explanations, rather he chooses to use only hard factual data and his explanations WILL assist any prospector to find those elusive nuggets. I wish that Mr. Straight were here. If he was, I'd have to sit him down and order him the biggest steak that I could find. While asking him questions and taking notes, of course. A novice prospector will find Mr. Straights' volumes to be a wealth of practical info and even the most grizzled prospector will find many useful tips and tricks of the trade. I highly recommend these books to anyone who is interested in prospecting, geology, rock hounding, or just interested in Earth sciences. BTW, I've seen your name prominently mentioned a couple of times too.

Your friend;


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Thanks, I appreciate the quick service, I studied geology at Brigham Young Univeristy for a while until the higher math stuff caught up with me. So, I changed my major and graduated in graphic design. I still enjoy geology a lot and look forward to reading Mr. Straight's great book! :)

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A fine book - I own a copy.

Rob wrote:

I guess I was just born 30-40 years too late. I would have loved to been on one of Jim's Magnificent Quests. 

Rob - we were on a magnificent quest just a bit over a month ago!



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Hello Guys,

Thanks for all the recently book orders. Luckily I ordered enough from the printer!

Rexb - Jim's book are top notch. You will really enjoy it. A lot of good information pertaining to geology and detecting for gold.

Reno Chris - You're exactly right, that was a magnificent quest! I really enjoyed your company and hope we can do it again in the future.

Talk with you all soon,

Rob Allison

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Chris and Rob (seeker too) You are correct about the "pull of Alaska." I was in Alaska for a couple of weeks back in 1991. Above the arctic circle... south slope of the Brooks Range, about 50 miles north of Bettles. I was with a group of about 10. All a great bunch. One of the group is currently at Ganes. Two others will be at Moore in a week or so.

To me a magnificent quest is not in finding a large pocket of gold... but this is nice; it is sharing adventures with friends. I'm still in touch with a couple of army

buddies, one from Texas, as far back as ROTC summer camp in 1953.

Incidentally, I consider "Magnificent Quest" my best. It was a "freebie" added to the box when Compass was one of the industry leaders. They distributed about

2000 copies. Gem Guides would not carry it. However, Rob may have access to a few unsold copies.

During the 1980 decade, I frequently went to the "middle camp" area just north of Quartzsite. Gas was then cheap. Had an old camper. Back then there was a lot of shallow "pickers" and an occasional lunker... As an example see page 68 in Pieter Hwydelaars "Vol. 1"....Then go to pg. 57 in any 3rd edition of the "Bible." The caption was written in 1992, thus the remark of a few flakes by intensive searching.

Now a thought about the "desert areas. I'm sure that there are both pockets and overlooked areas to be found. IMO, the so-called "basalts" are overlooked. And also the "pediments." Chris Ralph, Rob, Grubstake, Montana--- just to name a few... and many others... such as All Of You who are reading this thread... if you are willing to spend time in a "new area," you may find your "magnicent quest." I mention in M.Q. on pg. 42 re: "Regional Runs." Some may now call them

"Tertiary Placers."

I will now end this post with another term ..."clip zone." ...Good Luck... and remember "Silence can be GOLDen." Also, I will say a small group of two to

maybe five... who can act as one... and share... have a great chance to find an

overlooked pocket...

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Hello Guys,

Thanks for all the recent orders. I blew through 20 copies within just a a few days! :D I still have a handful left and will be ordering more from the printer within the next day or so. I have a wide assortment of books if anyone is interested in ordering. Some of best books are Jim Straight's & some of the Placer books by Wilson (which are like bibles for gold locations).

I wish I had more time to sit down and write a book. I believe I have all the information that would make one of the best books out there, but I'm not the best writer. :(

By biggest thrill is showing and teaching "hands-on!"

Back to Jim's Straight's, "Advanced Prospecting & Detecting for Hardrock Gold." It's one, if not the best booklets out there that explains more detailed information on deposits, placers and what to look for. For under $12 bucks you're getting some very valuable information if you want to take electronic prospecting to the next level.

Take with you all later,

Rob Allison

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