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Howdy All,…

Ordinarily I seek-out the exposed bedrock patches of creeks and pursue those nuggets that get lodged down in amongst the cracks and crevices. This has “most-always†proven to be a productive approach for me,. especially of late. I have usually avoided the side banks of those creeks due to the usually-large-quantities of lighter trash that ends up there. But today I told myself,….â€self â€,…get your ASS-Off-of the bedrock and take a different approach to this hunt,……one like “the Master†Bob (Montana) would do. I was hunting the inside bend of a relatively long stretch of open creek, one that had a couple patches of exposed bedrock here and there. I noticed a fairly large boulder (about 14†in diam.) lying on the side bank, and on the down-flow-side of it there was a large hole (about 10†deep) where the water had rushed over and around the boulder , dug out the hole and pushed the overburden up on the other side. Reluctantly I swung my coil over the overburden pile and got a sound somewhat-like those that I had been hearing on and off in other spots earlier that day. Upon digging those other signals I had found chunks of lead, and rust-tin-pieces, so I figured here was another piece of trash. I dug down about 5†and checked the hole,….the signal was still there, only louder,…so I again dug down to about 8â€, again checked the hole and the same thing happened,..so I continued digging to a little over a foot and checked the hole again,….â€nothingâ€,…but I hadn’t even come close to hitting bedrock, even at that depth. So I found where the target was in the pile that I had created and scooped-up what I thought was just another piece of trash. Low and behold this nice 1.3 gram beauty begrudgingly-slid-out of my scoop ! ! ! Well, I can now say that this is the first nugget that I have found that was NOT on bedrock,…..it was simply mixed-in with the other (much lighter) overburden. I do believe that I will be hitting the banks-of-creeks a lot more frequently from this point on and “emulating-the-Masterâ€,……………….Gary



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Cool story.

There are many many fine detectorists on these forums.

We all probably have strong examples that come to mind.


I even hear from them that Bob is generally recognised

as simply the best detector operator here in the western states.

AND he writes about it clearly and honestly.

We are indebted to him and to the other sensationally talanted gold hunters

for their many posts and the huge education they have shared with all of us.

(preaching to the converted I am sure...lol)


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Hello Gary,

Congrats on the new nugget find! :D However, if you're "programmed" to just hit those bedrock stretches you missing a bunch of gold. Just a wise note, some of the best gold is not lying on those bedrock stretches. Recently, Leaverite found a nice 1.6 ouncer in one of those washes where most just hit the exposed bedrock zones, but leave the deep sandy locations alone due to the usual trash.

Prospecting just the bedrock is a good way to find gold. However, it's best to go back and work the sandy/gravel stretches with a bigger coil to make sure you're not missing any goodies (nuggets) at depth. If I told you the "Master" and several other good detectorists missed this nugget you would shit! Just goes to show, even the "Master's" miss nice gold.

Don't allow yourself to get programmed. Keep an open mind, "Gold is where you find it!" ;)

P.S. There's no doubt Bob "Montana" Danise is a Master Detectorist!

Rob Allison

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Howdy Rob (and All);

Yep, your right,.......I think that I have been missing out on alot of Gold due to just hitting the exposed bedrock streatches. I found another "suspended-in-overburden" nugget today ( .6 gram), which has really opened my eyes to hitting these open sandy streatches with a larger coil,.....................Of course I also found a .2 gram nugget,....a .9 gram nugget,... and a 3.4 gram nugget wedged deeply in submerged bedrock today also...... ;) ...........So as I say "Keep-your-Options-Open, and try-it-all...............I do believe it's Corona-time,..............talk-to-ya-later,.........................Gary

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Hello Gary,

Let me tell you a brief story about missing gold my friend. :D

Many, Many years ago Richard Doherty (now passed) found a nice nugget behind me. I was "programmed" to just work the exposed bedrock stretches and not the deeper areas. I heard someone yelling behind me so I turned around and saw Richard running towards me. Richard asked me, "Rob, do you have your gun on you?" I replied, "Yes, why ...?" Richard stated, "I don't want you to shoot me over this one!" :unsure:

Richard dropped a beautiful 1/4 ounce solid gold nugget in my hand. He then mentioned my foot print was practically right on top of it. The nugget was in a sandy pocket area and I just walked right over it figuring it was too deep to find anything. Just goes to show if the nuggets are large enough, and they are there you can find them.

This was a lesson hard learned, but then again I have found hundreds of nuggets in those spots since I missed that one.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hi Everybody,

First post here. Great place, good people, good advice. Talk about coincidence, me and my girlfriend went out yesterday to the place I found my first nugget, somewhere by Cleator and Bumblebee. She found a nice specimen in the sandy area of the wash, about 3-4 inches deep, with her Tesoro Lobo. Kitty 1, Steve 0, for the day. <_<:D Posting pictures, hopefully they come out.



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Hello Steve,

Well it's about time you post! :D I know I've seen you logged on a bunch and been waiting for a post from you. Tell Kitty congrats on the new nugget/specimen find. Looks like a sizeable piece with a good amount of gold through it. Hard to believe there is just one piece in the area. I would really check out that spot more closely if you haven't in the past.

The pictures came through fine. Just one small suggestion, see if you can resize and future pictures to under 600x600 if you can. I seen you have them hosted at photobucket, so I'm not sure if they allow you to resize or edit the pictures. The pictures you posted were 1040 x 684.

Thanks for sharing your experience and find with us here.

Rob Allison

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