Jim P. & Son find Pieces of the Rich Hill Lode!

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Hello All,

Today Leaverite and I met up with Jim P. and his Son Tanner for some beeping. Earlier in the day Jim found a nice quartz boulder with a good showing of gold on one side. Later Jim decided to investigate the area more and discovered another big piece that also has a good showing of free gold.

I will let Jim tell the entire story, but it was exciting to see him and his Son find the two pieces where everyone and their Brother walked over!

Take a gander at the pictures below.

Congrats Jim!!! :P

Rob Allison

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Now you gone and did it Jim...Tanner is sure to get the bug now! Way to go Jim and Tanner. It should make a nice paper weight (jumbo sized). I guess you detected it or did you eyeball that piece? Hey Tanner, ask you Dad if ya can take it to school. Would be a great show and tell subject!

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Jim, that's great! and most important- getting young blood (family) involved. They will remember!

25 years ago, when dredging on the Feather, had my daughter out for the summer. She was 12 and able to dive and see firsthand, gold on the bottom. The next year when she came out, she found out about boys. That year was very interesting. Never the less a couple of years ago she got her diving certificate and dives off Florida every chance she gets. I'd like to think I had a part on that.

Good on You and Yours!

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Jim P.

That is just outstanding! I know my boy will never forget finding that first nugget on the 24k that opening weekend. He still has that nugget in its plastic bottle along with a few more. Those are 2 of the best pieces of gold you will ever find, because those are the ones that you and your son will remember the best. A true moment just happened to you.

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Thanks Guys, I'll post pics when I get off work or tomorrow. I cleaned them both up and took some Pics. They fit together perfectly and the gold nearly touches each other. Gold shows at several points on both pieces but none of them are connected. Not a whole lot of gold but still kind of cool. That's two weekends in a row with my son we've found gold so now he's my good luck charm. I think he likes riding his quad more than hunting gold but it's still fun.

He helped me dig a nugget at the Vulture placers about 5 years ago and then a 3 DWT. nugget at Rich Hill three years ago which tied my biggest at the time. Last weekend he was there for my first solid half ouncer. I guess you could say we've had some good luck together.

Dave, I like to think there's a vein still in place up there somewhere, but it may be long gone. There are thousands of gold bearing veins all over that hill. If they keep pushing at the 24K maybe we'll turn one up that sill carries gold. My impression of the lodes in that area are that they are very spotty but very rich. I guess that's what keeps people coming back hoping to strike it rich. Later...Jim P.

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Hi Rob and all, sorry it took so long to get these posted, been a busy week. No idea how much gold is locked up inside. They both give a good response but only in the area of visible gold. The big one weighs 15 pounds and the smaller one is 4. Here's the pics. Later...Jim P.




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Jim thats some very nice gold. Congratulations - looks like you and your son had a great time.

You are right that the veins up there are spotty. They are barren in most places, but every once in a while , bam, they make up into some nice gold. If they were more continuous, there would have been a lot more hard rock mining up there.


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