Todays Skunks

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Well My uncle came over from Monterey, and Matt and Shep and me, all went to the patch today, we all got skunked,got hot and we were all ready to go home, all except DIEHARD SHEP! He had to be promted to leave. Said I drive more than I get to hunt! Well I hope he gets it out of his sistem at RYE PATCH NEXT WEEK. That patch is the only one, that when I leave everyone has too, its on private land and they won't allow anyone thats not with me to be on it. 5-6 hours is all I can go. Sorry Shep, but everyone else was ready today too. You know to everyone out there thinking of getting into nuggethunting, skunks are more commond than you think, I don't mind posting mine, if you or anyone could get gold EVERYTIME out, it would be called GOLD FINDING< instead of gold nuggethunting. don't get upset if you go for a long time, or a short time without finding gold, it takes patence, and luck, knowledge of the area. Coil control and a whole lot of other skills you will learn in time.Enjoy the hunt, its not a job, its a hobby, its supposed to be fun. When it stops being fun, then its time to find another hobby. I always have fun, weather it for a few hours or a weeks hunt.Life is short, don't get stressed if you don't find gold. There's always that next time. Take care Grubstake

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Hey Grubstake and Shep,

Do I have to drive all the way up to California to straighten both of you out? :D:P I've been very lucky not to be skunked the entire year with the GPX-4000. However, 80% of the areas we have been hitting I'm very familar with and know where the gold likes to hide. I know my skunk is coming .... in another year! Hahaha ... :o Just being funny.

Grubstake, I used to take some people to some private claims and they had to leave when I did also. It was part of the agreement with the owners and I had to respect that.

I think Shep is just upset he can't find gold with that Nuggetfinder coil! :unsure:

Rob Allison

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Yeh things over there are changing fast, the two, MR. and MRS. that own the place will never get out of the hosiptal, t cost 6500. amonth to keep them in, there family is deviding up stuff so they can get the Medicare to pay. They have too many assets right now for that. Scott, young Scott is looking after things right now, but that will not be the case in a few months. I have to respect there wishes if I'm going to continue to hunt there. Not my rules. Grubstake

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Ya Sheps a diehard alright I bet he dug as many targets as Grub Allen and I put together and thats what finds the gold.If you ever needed a prospector you would get your moneies worth with him.

It was fun even though we all got skunked Theres allways next time.

Dam I look pissed in that picture I think that was when I was telling that skunk to quit fallowing me around :angry:

Take care,Matt

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Jerry, 20" mono worked pretty good. Picked up a bit more interference, so I dropped the gain a bit. Dug some deep trash in areas hit pretty hard. Believe it's still too trashy in those spots to use effectively. I used the 20" to find the target, dig down to confirm, then used the 14e mono to pinpoint. System worked, just no gold- this time. Should of tried the 1" probe to pinpoint with. It has a switch and would take less time to switch back and forth.

Another point, the SL coil not good to push knee high weeds down with-

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Miner Matt Did you see how Shep is able to cover more country and get more hits........he walks backwards while detecting and those big feet of his knocks down the grass so he can cover more area...and as big as he is it doesn't take long for him to dig a target....good thing he's good natured cause if you made him mad it would be a while before you could get back up. ps. what is in your hand in the picture Matt.

Shep sounds like a good coil for open country like rye patch for sure. Jerry

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