"Jim Straight Books, Worth the Investment!"

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Hello All,

Jim Straight has been one of my mentors when it comes to geology and prospecting. Reading all his books and articles was worth every dollar spent. Jim and I have been friends for many years and I'm proud to be able to sell all his book/booklets.

I'm running a special on the three booklets that he published. If you purchase all (3) booklets I will bundle them down to $25 + Shipping. Normally, each booklet is $9.95, many can't even be found.

(1) Jim Straight's "Successful Drywashing, For the Man who wants to know the Secrets of Successful Drywashing."

(2) Jim Straight's "Magnificent Quest, A Guide to Prospecting, Drywashing and Nugget Shooting in the Desert."

(3) Jim Straight's "Advanced Prospecting and Detecting for Hardrock Gold."

All the booklets have been personally autographed by Jim Straight! :D

Jim Straight also have a new book titled, "Follow the Drywasher, 7th Edition." This book is like 300+ pages of packed information.

Questions, give me a call at - 623-362-1459

Rob Allison

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Rob... I just came on line to check out the latest posting on the AMDA

Laughlin event.

Gosh what can I say. Just that I have a life-long background in some phase

of prospecting, mining, and milling over my lifetime.

I have been blessed with a good extended and supportive family. Many friends

such as Rob... who has truly reached out... as he is now doing... and all of you

who have been in one way or another a part of my life... over the many years...

during good and bad times...

I post as "dutch john." For those of you who may wonder why. If Rob sees this

and can post pg. 122 and pg. 280 in Vol 3, 7th edition onto this thread; it was

mostly there and then that I was molded into what I am.

My Best to All... "Tailgate" Jim Straight

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I have never had the opportunity to meet Jim Straight, that is my loss...I have read those first three books and many articles and I say they are worth several times the cost. Any novice will learn a great deal from the information contained in these writings and there is plenty of info for the more experienced too.


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Good morning Rob!

Could you bring a set of the books with you when you come up to Rich Hill. I would like to have a signed copy of each! I have learned a lot from reading Jim's books.

Thanks Rob for makeing the books avaiable and thank you Jim for taking the time to put your thoughts and experinces down on paper so that we can become better prospectors! It would have been a great experience to have been a student of yours. But alas, I ended up in the mud bowl of the Gulf Coast instead working in the oil industry. Now I'm learning about hard rocks!

I'm looking forward to your next one!

There is gonna be a next one.................?




Soon to be on the great slab on concrete know as I-10 heading west!....In T minus 5 hours and 10 minutes!

Clear the roads! The Tourquise Monster is going to Arizona!

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Hello all... Chris, I plan on going to Primm... I go for the AMDA planted hunt.

I also plan on going to the GPAA show in January... I'm a basic member of the


Sandtrap... Let me say to all... Jerry is also known as "Flattire" as well as "Sandtrap."

While I'm known as "Tailgate." We have been detecting buddies for years. He is kind

to me and calls me his "Guru." But really he is finding the gold. Not me. ("LunK" and

"Montana" Bob can agree to this.) Also... Sandtrap... I will be at the "outpost" on

Sunday... Both "planted" hunts. Also... Sandtrap was recently honored--- outstanding

as a guard at Edwards... Great!!!

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Hello Guys,

The books have always sold well, but thought I would run a nice special on the autographed books. Jim's "Follow the Drywasher" 7th edition" is a very hot seller for me. The book is packed with information and sells for $27.95 + shipping if anyone is interested.

Also, I have another booklet titled, Nuggetshooting Dryplacer Areas," but not sure what I was selling them for .... :huh:

All the books ship US Priority Mail + Delivery Confirmation. Normally, this is 2-3 days shipping in the lower 48.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Howdy Rob... I just left a message on your cellphone... The Publisher

and Distributor of Vol 3, 7th edition is keeping the quality as best possible.

He is a nationally... worldwide jobber and known for Quality... So to keep the

quality as best he could... his printer went up a $1.60 on each book. So it

is now $29.95

It is being published in small lots by demand... Consequently it is sometimes

on backorder... It is not advertised... The publisher is a jobber and deals

in large quantities... my booklets and books are "small-stuff." Just to fill... as

a service... for any large orders for his distributers... (Those that have

bought directly from me... such as Rob and others are "grandfathered" in

regarding my books.

The insides and covers of the book are as best possible... The Publisher

is actually using as his "original master" a copy of the 265 page 6th Edition

which has been revised--- typeset (by myself... pgs. 266 through 300; and

the preface... Roman numbered up to pg. xvii...) a struggle for Dear 'ol


I self-publish my booklets... slow as I have the printing done at a "quick-print."

Then I collate, fold, staple, and trim each one manually...I have been advertising

two of my titles in the ICMJ for several years. I ship any individual book orders

first class ASAP... However... I endorse anyone who orders any of my titles from

Rob... Please do so...

Also... I highly recommend the 7th Edition as a reference book... It contains

information that has taken me over 75 years to learn... much the hardway...

As an example the references on pg. 183-184 are good reading...

Moreover... as far as my detector "evaluations": Within Vol 3, I did not attempt to

criticize any detector... I felt that any criticism that I gave should be acurate

and valid. That it should be offered by anyone who has used the specific

detector a reasonable amount of time and under different situations. Or has

experienced an on-going problem that hasn't been resolved... That I felt I could

not honestly do... If anything... today as I look back... I believe that I was too

conservative... that my skills were limited... the detectors better than I then


My Best to All... and remember "Gold" comes in many forms. Do not make the mistake

of letting the raw mineral (element) rule your life... as many have done over the


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Chris... Primm... I hope so... However I was told today that I "[W]as a rock

that was turning to dirt." Maybe so...as I knew Mr. Primm back in the 1950's

when he was very actively involved in the Primadonna (sp?) which was next

to Southworths and across from Harolds Club. I was Deluxe 3. Driving for Mr.

Drake. Mr. Primms wife was then a world class aviatrix (sp?).

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The Primadonna still existed when I first moved here. It was torn down for a parking tower - right downtown by the RR tracks.

Jim, the truth is that you are the only author for the Mining Journal worth reading.

I hope it all works out, so that I can attend.


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Chris... everything changes. Back in the late 1940's the Mapes was the tallest

building... now it is gone... S. Frank Hunt's field headstone has been replaced. The

"Mining Journal" now gone... Even Ernie Primms "empire"... at Gardina and

Reno gone... Such is life...

However... Thank You for the kind words... You are on Your way Up and I'm

on my way down... However, all is well with me... Doing fine... Na'... Great!

I thank all of those who have bought my bookets... "Follow the Drywashers" was

self-pubished in 1984... it is the ancestral Vol. 3 7th edition... (It was originally

meant to be an article in W&E "Silver & Gold" 1983 annual... but was too lengthy

and rejected)... I guess I'm the "reject kid." I once had five rejects in a row...

The lesson: Everyone keep "slogging." Aim high... to be the best that you can


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I was there to see the Mapes go down.

Things do change over time.

These two photos were taken only minutes apart.....

In the first photo the little puffs of smoke are the explosions that break the support structure and bring the building down. The after photo speaks for itself.




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