"Over an Ounce of Gold Nuggets Today!"

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Hello All,

Leaverite and I got out today and done some prospecting around some old nugget patches. After about 6 hours of hard hunting we hit a new little patch that gave up over 1 1/4 ounces of nice nuggets. We were both using the Minelab GPX-4000's and Coiltek 14-inch Mono Round's.

I was lucky enough to find (5) gold nuggets for right at 1.25 ounces of gold! :D The weights were 8.1, 8.1, 5.5, 2.1 & 1.0 Dwt's.

Leaverite found two for a total of 1.6 Dwt's.

Take a gander at the gold nugget below.

Happy Hunting,

Rob Allison

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Hello Guys,

Thanks for the comments. Leaverite and I just got lucky to hit a mini-patch in an odd-ball area. The area didn't look really hot, but nuggets have been found in the area before, so that was the reason for the trip back.

Jim P. - If you notice on the flat slug nugget (first one on the right side of the coil), that one was wedged down in a larger crevice with plant roots. The stuff on the side of the nugget is in fact root material. Great observation! ;)

Matt - Yep, still keeping the skunk away since I've owned the GPX-4000. I thought Saturday was going to end the streak since we were doing a bit of prospecting. Just got lucky to keep the streak going, it's going to end soon since we will be doing a lot of prospecting.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Those are some interesting looking nuggets, Rob, particularly that first one. I'm glad you gave a bit of an explanation for it. And 1.25 ounces. Whew, that's enough to keep a smile on the face for a couple of weeks or more.

I'm heading out to the Mojave desert this Friday, can't wait to get the 2100 out there and use the 14" mono myself.

Like I said to Grubby, keep 'em coming!


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Nice looking nuggets, Rob & Dennis...I sure wish you would clean them up to God's own state when he spanked their butts and set them free :P ...Those are some nice jewlery pieces...Ya just can't beat a $2,000 day...Kinda makes it hard to go to work on monday for just "dollars" eh? Way to go...Cheers, Yer Unc in the Dubyah

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Hi Rob and Dennis!

Great looking yeller critters!

What was the location again! ROFL

Had a good trip and time at Rich Hill and surronding area.

But my best friend and pal passed away before I could get back to Houston.

My wife called me at 4:11 am ( Stanton time) Friday morning (19th Oct) to tell me that Connor, my Irish Setter of 11 years had passed away between 4:30 am and 6 am Houston time. His health had been going down hill for the last two months. We all thought, including the Vet that he had 2 to 4 months if not a year. But it just wasn't in the cards!

I left Stanton 2 hours later and drove all day and all night to get back to Houston at 8 am Houston time! Then suffered an a bad Flu virus later in the day. That lasted for almost 4 days!

The house feels very empty and too quiet without him! He shadowed me around everywhere! He would lay at my feet all the time just wanting to be near me! He was the first one to greet me when I would return home! He was the most special dog that I have ever had. Gonna miss him! But he isn't suffering anymore and he is alive in my memories full of good health and life!

Have a great day everyone and give your special pal a hug and a pat on the head for me and Connor!



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Hi Karl,

I wondered what happened to you since I sent you a pm via Nuggethunting regarding the files you asked about and hadn't heard anything. I was beginning to wonder if you made it back ok. Now I understand why I hadn't heard from you.

I am truly sorry to hear about your loss. I know you mentioned your pal could pass on while you were in AZ, but no one really wants that to happen. The loss of a close pal such as Connor is really hard and gets harder the older we get. I guess we just appreciate life more and the joys a close pal like Connor can bring the older we get. I think that is why we get so attached to our pets as we get older. I know I have.

So, I have given each one of my critters a special pat and hug as you requested. They weren't sure why I was doing that, but they were sure appreciative. I also just wanted to say I am dreading that time when I will be feeling the loss that you are now. I hope the hurt and feeling of loss you have now passes quickly so you can concentrate on remembering the great times you two had together.

I know no other dog can truly take Connor's place, but the joys of a young pup with a totally different personality might help when you are ready.


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Hello Guys,

Karl - Was wondering what happened to you. Many were asking if you left. Sorry to hear about your best friend. :( I've been there and done that with several dogs. Heard you found another nice nugget up at the spots I showed you, or higher up the hill. Did you get a picture of it?

Reg - Sorry to hear you were having 4x4 problems. At least you didn't get stuck behind the van that tried to climb up the front side during the first day of the push. :angry: I heard there was a bunch of pissed off people that were anxious to get on the pushes, but were stuck behind the 2-wheel van for a bit ... :(

Fla Mick - I figured someone left them behind since they were so shallow. There was only one (the 5.6 Dwter) that was at depth. It was just a faint whisper at the surface. Friend went back and checked the area out and we didn't miss any I guess. Hard to believe there isn't a few left in there.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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