800 today?

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Hello All,

Sure nice that gold is over $800 per Troy Ounce for the guys that are finding enough of it. However, seems like the price of everything else is also going up. It takes me now $65-$70 to fill up my gas tank. A normal prospecting day cost me probably $75 if you include gas, food, wear and & on the your vehicle.

I liked gold when it was $300 per ounce! :unsure:

Rob Allison

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Hey... Grubstake... WOW... you are correct... Now I'm sad

as it is even worse than I thought:


$200 dollar a barrel oil

$10 gallon milk.

But thats okay cuz' I can't afford to drive to the store

No gas money. And no milk money.

Quick... please point me in the right direction so I can

find lotsa' gold... Then I will buy as producing oil well

and a cow...

Hey... everyone... it seems(?) that we may agree that

we cannot find enough gold to buy enough gas to go out

and find enough gold to go out and....

My Best to All... and keep Positive.

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Gosh Miner Matt... It has been my long standing impression that as gold goes "up"

the better areas are withdrawn from access. You are most fortunate to detect

out your back door... You are one of the lucky ones that are in an area close to you.

As Grubstake likely remembers, my 'ol 1979 F-150 4-wheel drive needs lot'sa gas.

If I drive carefully at 50 MpH, I get as much as 8 or 9 MpG. As an example it is over

650 miles round trip for me to go to the Majuba Placers (AKA "Ryepatch"). So it parks.

(Anyone want'a buy it?... Grin)

I now have a Chevy Malibu and am back to coinhunting... Not out my back door... but

just a few miles away... Less than a gallon of gas round trip. Lots'a clad in some of the

parks and occasionally some silver in an older area...

So... as gold goes up... and you need to go out "beeping," try coinhunting. You could even

find enough clad to pay for the gas and maybe a senior coffee at Mac's

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Hi "Dutch John",

You are absolutely correct, as the price of gold goes up, more and more restrictions will occur. Laws will be passed as a result also to take advantage of the high prices and they won't be in the interest of the small guy. So, hunting gold will become more restricted for the individual if not banned in the distant future.

As for the price of gas increasing, do what I did and that is "don't get mad, get even". I did this by purchasing a used hybrid vehicle. My mileage went up from 12 to 13 city mpg or 15 to 18 mpg highway to about 35 mpg average and that is in the city or out on the highway. On my last trip to Cripple Creek which is a good 190 mile jaunt round trip with much of it in the mountains, I averaged over 37 mpg just by taking it easy.

So, now I laugh as I pass the gas pumps. When you have to stop for gas with a hybrid, it does take some of the pain out of the stopping. Since my hybrid is a SUV, I can get off road some also. One other beauty of my Ford SUV hybrid is I don't have to plug the thing in at all. So, I don't need a long extension cord either.

So, I can still take reasonably long trips since my SUV doesn't need large gas fixes. Heck, if it stays as warm as it is, I just might take a trip next week to Breckenridge for some very late nugget hunting here in CO.

As for coin hunting, the local city park is about 5 miles from my house and my SUV hybrid runs most of that way on the electric motor using no gas.


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hi all , the worst part,i fear is yet to come.I hate doom and gloom but if we get into armed conflict with iran wich could very likely happen in the coming year.We could be looking at double the prices we are seeing now.200$ oil 1600$gold :blink: that hybrid sounds like a fine idea!take care all Tool

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Howdy all.

Reg 'ol buddy... We have seen both good and bad... As we both have

worked in the steel mills. You as a high-tec electrician keeping the mills

going around and around. While I was a dumb-old turn foreman in the

finish end Roll Shop putting up with lot'sa grief as the rolls were not going

around... but wobbling. I was lucky as I saw the end coming and quit

suddenly... Now Kaiser Steel is gone... but the site is now a race track...

Not great for our National Economy...

Before this I worked at Eagle-Picher in Lovelock as a foreman/contolman

and it is going stong. Mining and processing filter-grade diatomaceous earth.

Before E-P I was a flotation operator for Kennecott Copper in McGill

Nevada. I quit suddenly as the operation was on it's way out... Now

it is gone... Back then copper was about 24 cents a pound and it was

costing KCC about 26 cents to make... With the copper was "molly," gold,

and some other needed stratigic metals...

Both Reg and I have seen good and bad times... Everybody... stay positive

and keep the faith...

I just got very sad news: Bonnie Wendt just sent me an e-mail... Ron Wendt

just passed away... Ron and Bonnie were a great team... They Published

"The Alaska Goldfield Magazine." And over the years Ron has pubilshed many

booklets... and contrbuted freelance articles in all of the

treasure/prospecting/mining journals.

Hurridly... Jim Straight

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