12 inch ellipitical????????

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post-9779-1196074910_thumb.jpg I recieved this Supersearch coil from a friend but I have no idea if it's a mono or DD or what ML macine it will work on. It has 5 pins as follows.



3-twisted shield



I'm getting some resistance readings off of some of the pins

1-2 4.70R

1-3 4.70R

2-3 .25R

Thanks for any help,


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post-9779-1196074910_thumb.jpg I recieved this Supersearch coil from a friend but I have no idea if it's a mono or DD or what ML macine it will work on. It has 5 pins as follows.



3-twisted shield



I'm getting some resistance readings off of some of the pins

1-2 4.70R

1-3 4.70R

2-3 .25R

Thanks for any help,


They were a Concentric (similar to a monoloop coil for a PI mahcine) coil for the XT 17000's, Minelab had a lot of trouble with them with noise ect so discontinued them, however in places were ground noise was not so evident they were deadly especially on the small stuff.


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Hi all,

The concentric coil JP mentions for the 17000 had a slightly different shape. It was more close to 9.5 x 6 inches wide, and definitely a 4-pin plug. All the 4-pin coils were called Goldsearch I think?

Your 12" 5 pin is definitely a DD that came out I think when the FT16000 was released. So it will work on all the early 5-pin VLF's - GT, FT, Eureka Dual, Eldorado, and probably Musketeers.

Hope this clears up the confusion.

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  • Admin

Hello Guys,

I've been selling Minelabs and using them for the last 10 years and only seen one of those coils before here in the US. It must have been released before the GT16000, cause I used the American Gold Striker and XT17000 and beyond.

Sure miss the Minelab 6-inch Round Searchcoil they used to make. Can't believe Minelab discontinued it. :(

Rob Allison

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