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Alot is going on at other forums about how we are a bunch of bad guys and how much we are in trouble, it has gotten out of hand.

We joke around on Highdesertgold and maybe we are not serious enough, I don't know.

It started awhile back when someone accused Chip of taking Gold from Private property that he and Jim hunted at night and were trespassing, I don't know the whole story but know cooled down for awhile then started back up recently.

ELDORADO attacked me on the Nuggetshooter forum when I posted my Glob Nugget, saying that I got it off this private property near FOLSOM and we were a bunch of Hygrading scumbags. That nugget did not come from anywhere near Folsom at night, it came from BLM land during the day. I took this personal because I hate liars, I posted somthing I was proud of that I found on my own on public property and I'm labeled a lier and a Hygrader and so are the people I hunt with...then it was mentioned that there were trail cameras put out to take pictures of us on this Folsom property and I joked and mentioned spray painting the cameras and so on blowing off steam and a few others chimed in blowing off their steam and called themselves scumbags highgraders and so on. I have never been to FOLSOM.

Maybe I shouldn't have made those stupid comments about special ops at night, I was just joking, but I see it has not been forgotten and a joke was taken serious.

We hunt on BLM land during the day, walk to our areas, cover our holes and when we do hunt on private property we have written permisson by more than one land owner.

We are being blamed for tearing up the land...I live very close to this area and yes, there were empty trailers there, where were the quads? My house, riding quads in there would be stirring up a hornets nest, there isn't enough room for the trailers at my house.

There is alot of poaching, drugs, dumping,ect in that area and recently during the day a Red Dodge pickup drove in there and started shooting a rifle out of the cab during the day in my direction, shooting at birds! I have their plate number and there are numerous quads there.

Maybe we speak to hard and put down other coils and we shouldn't, we just like the Commander coils, that's all nothing else. Whatever works for you than do it. We all have our different opinions but what matters is having fun and being with friends. I just used my Coiltek Wallaby yesterday and didn't find anything with it, I just didn't get the coil over it.

I'm asking not to judge anyone on the Highdesert forum by hear say, get to know us first, we are actually a bunch of comedians but if asked our opinion you will get an honist answer from our own perspective and were all different.

I appreciate those who do not know us and did not judge us by hearsay.

We just want to get past this and go on.

We are good at finding gold, very few days do we go dry, look at our posts, we are not poking fun at anyone not finding anything, we just like to post our finds and sure we get loud mouthed at times.

We have alot of knowledge and would like to pass it on.

I am not the spokesman for Highdesertgold, I'm just tired of this.


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Alan, you and I have talked on this and other forums, the thing is, people judge detectorist as a whole, all that on the forum over there, true or not, makes the bunch of us look bad as a group. True, we did not see the quads, but we did see the trucks with the trailers, parked where it was a primitve area, no motorised anything. only walking, biking or horse back. And the post about the camaras, well what are we to think, when we were told before we even went up for the invited trip, that all this was taking place and camaras were in place.Then this guy oakwoodcutter, contacts a few of us down here wanting paid lessons on our patches. When we said no, he post all kinds of junk. I did not get mad at him, I just said no, I didn't take people out anymore, because it was just being used as a reason to find out where our patches are. I told him I did not want anything to do with a group that posted" COMMING TO A PATCH NEAR YOU!" sounds like they want all the leg work done by others so they can come and rape the patches. What may be funny to your group, is making the detecting family as a whole really look bad. Nothing against you personally. As I said we have had conversations and pm's before. I have always tried to help all who would like to get started in this hobby, but that what it is, a hobby. Not a living or a pissin match. Promote our hobby don't make it something everyone is a shamed of. Grubstake

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It took me a long time to respond to this mess I'm not one to get into things like this.

But I must add what I have seen .This has put a bad taste in my mouth you guys are making all of us look bad :angry: .The trailers you talk about had the ramps down I don't think you were riding weedeaters out there.

And there are some topics missing from the high desert forum One for instance is the one put up bye the Admin and the topic was Grubsnake

Here is a post with pictures of you guys with quads that he posted on the 25th of Nov.This is one of the days we saw the trailers(with the ramps down)

I learned long ago that a man is only as good as his word!

Site Admin

Joined: 07 Aug 2007

Posts: 173

Location: northern nevada reno

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:22 am Post subject: scumbag's gathering


That scumbag sitting on the Quad look like he has been beat by a Drago''

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Thanks for speaking your peace and remembering our conversations Gary.

Yor right, "Comming to A patch near you" is a little off the wall and I can see how it wa taken out of context.

I told Oakwoodcutter that it would be hard to find someone to take him to their patches, I have never met him and I am not taking him to my patches,that's for sure. I do wear camo at times and it's not because we are doing somthing wrong, it's because if I'm working a new patch, the last thing I want to do is wear a bright color and alert everyone like a neon sign saying, "come dig here" and camo is the choice for most hunters.

Mike, I have no control over what people do or say on any forum, I'm not a moderator.

I walk where I go, I need the exercise and I have my dog, I don't own a quad and don't care to ride on one.

I'm Just asking not to rope in the whole group for what one person says or does.

I think the forum was new and it got a little out of hand, we talked about this the other day realizing it needed to be a little more serious.....talking out loud instead of PMing a person for example.

Someone iss diging deep holes and not filling them in out there and we have had 2 accidents because of this and we know who it is, but he won't listen....HE IS NOT IN OUR GROUP but is the reason why gates were installed on the private sector, one of the land owners sons hit a hole on his dirtbike tossing him over the handlebars and got hurt really bad..I almost broke a leg in the tall grass and you guys know who he is, I'm not mentioning any names but he has been told by several people including Goldbugron and he continues to leave them open giving us all a bad name so I know what your saying.

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Dear eodseal2000;

I agree with you my friend! Accusations of hygrading are bad enough, but not backfilling holes is a crime punishable by bullwhipping! The offender should be corralled, thrown to the ground and an Apache war dance administered about his head and shoulders. I would also like to point out to you that stating that Minelab Commander coils are BETTER than Coiltek coils is a sin bordering on blasphemy! This is something that will remain unforgiven and unforgotten, my friend, as we are all naught but mere humans and we cannot be reasonably expected to forgive something as heinous and horrible as those statements proclaiming the greatness of Commander coils. This is why I shall forever remain on as birds of a feather flock together.

Your friend swinging the orange;


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Hey Alan,

Here's Pic off my dog," Dozer", American Bulldog. His grandpa is "Chance", from the movie Homeward Bound. He keeps the Bears away when out beeping....

Take care,


P.S. Also included a picture of my self, just in case Alan, Gary or Lamar, Missed Me :P Copie rights given :P

enugh said, post some gold :D

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I have also been reluctant to get into this discussion.

There is so much bad feeling being triggered off.

I'm an average hobby detector prospector, I try to learn from the

many forums that are on the internet. I have no ax to grind one way or the other,

and I'm not on anyone's "side".

I have read every post on the website you mention all the way back to the beginning,

and I read them weeks ago before some topics were taken down.

Surely you can see that almost anyone who reads what you guys have written -

joking or not - comes away with the impression

that this is a place for exclusionary, superior-feeling and self-congratulatory people;

exactly the kind of macho arrogance that paints every other person with a detector in a bad light.

By belittling other web sites, peoples' equipment choices and

calling people the same names that you are now complaining about,

it doesn't leave much room for sympathy - especially now that a large number of people have seen the site.

It's public, anyone can stumble on it and no matter what the members might mean by the posts,

no one has ever bothered to clear up that the topics are joking, or that the name calling

isn't serious.

I don't really care one way or the other what you guys do,

but we all have to take responsibility for our actions.


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Thanks Ed I remember you, just got wrapped around the axle for awhile...nice dog!

We will have to go out some time like I have been saying for awhile if I don't get Lynched first.

Yes your right Flack, time will tell...but it is NOT my website...I am not a Moderator, I'm just a member like any other Forum.

Maybe someone can go back on the High desert forum and erase those bad topics, that's what I would do right now but I can't.

I think it started off as a Personal many times have you ever wanted to say somthing on a forum but figured it would be edited or get you kicked off? It started off like a kid in a candy store.

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Someone on that "site" also registered my name as eldorado, my name on all forums is EL Dorado. It is seems that they are trying to goad me into some sort of action. Especially when they now registered someone as El Drago, supposedly another of my AKA's. I know who and what they do, that is not even a thought here, but when they make fun of my skills as a goldsmith, they are walking on thin legal ice.

The terms Karma and guilt by association go well with this situation. A certain Minelab Dealer and his cohorts have bragged once to many times and as can be clearly seen, it is all imploding as I knew it certainly would.

Anyone that continually proclaims innocence when it really is not called for has something to hide!

Myself, I no longer own a metal detector because a group of known jerks made it impossible to hunt around here without being branded as a thief. Since all this started, I have been sent numerous e-mails and have had a number of phone calls that all substantiate what that site's demeanor portrays.

I heartedly thank all those that shook my hand.

The real El Dorado............

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