New Format

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Yo...What's up with the new format that doesn't show the whole posts on each topic...It's like some of those other cheeseball formats...I see that all the forums using Invision switched today at the same time....No Likeee...Cheers, Unc
Uncle Ron,

About 30 minutes ago tonight/this morning I was able to view the forum under a "normal" circumstance, without having to "click" on comments made by members, which became annoying, not the comments but the "clicking", because we were all hittiing the "back button " to view member comments and then hit the "back button" again a number of times to get back to the main forum page, or just bail out and close the whole thing and restart the forum.

Rob, is this part of somthing that's going on with your end respective to any new insallation/upgrade or what? This is very strange on my end, because in the changing of an E-Mail Address on another forum I visit I've found that I can't log-in properly, and again find myself here seeing "normality" for a few minutes, only to revert back to "comment thread links" from members!

What's going on Rob?


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  • Admin

Hello Uncle Ron,

I'm not sure I understand what you're talking about? I don't have a problem with any of the Invision Forums that I visit. Are you still experiencing this problem? Are you sure you didn't change something in your "controls?"

Get back with me,

Rob Allison

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