Old Whiskey Bottle from the Gold Patch

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Yo All...I've been following some old camps in the Vuture Mountains sort of west and a tad north of Wickenburg and have been enjoying discoveries that you only make if you take your time and check out the nooks and crannies where the old timers ecked out beans with hard work...Course, they apparently occasionaly hit a pocket and got to celebrate...My today's find shows that at least they got a little break...I'm sure there's guys on the forums that can i.d. this bottle, but I found it up above a well worked wash where somebody flung it...Any info about it would be appreciated...Looks like a pint whiskey bottle to me...The good stuff from the rounded bottle...Cheers, Yer Unc in the Dubyah

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Hello Uncle Ron,

Finding those old camps are fun, especially if it's a remote area. Found hundreds of them over the years from very small ones to extremely large ones. Once you find the camp, then you have to figure out what they were doing. Some camps obviously are not miner camps, but the ones that are can be placer or lode or both combined in some areas.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Morning Ron: After viewing the pic of the bottle you found I was surprised you thought it to be a whiskey bottle. I've found a good many old beer and ale bottles and they always had the shape of your bottle. Of course there's always the first time for anything, right! Thanks for posting your pic. :)


Morning Ron: After viewing the pic of the bottle you found I was surprised you thought it to be a whiskey bottle. I've found a good many old beer and ale bottles and they always had the shape of your bottle. Of course there's always the first time for anything, right! Thanks for posting your pic. :)

When I go to Nevada I always look around the old Chinese diggins hoping to find an opium pipe or bottle

but none found yet.


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Hey Don...Except for what I've learned on some of the forums in the last day since posting that picture, I know absolutely squat about old bottles...I was with my old mining partner, Glenn, years ago when he found two perfect what I think he called "Pumpkin Seed" bottles with actual silver caps on them...They were deep purple from the sun...Other than that and a couple of old whisky bottles I've found, I don't know anything about them...Now that I look at this one I guess it looks like an ale bottle, but I don't know...Cheers, Unc

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Ron; I sure would like to find one of those old Pumpkin Seed bottles. I think the miners of old didn't have a lot of $$$$$$$ to spend on whiskey or beer as food, shelter and tools were likely of more import. Never know what you'll find around those old camps... I found a 1913 penny down on the flats below Decision Corner... the penny, which is in good condition, was just laying there like ome one dropped it yesterday.


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