GPX 4000 Question

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Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but after adjusting the settings on my 4000, if I turn it off for a while and turn it back on, it has gone back to the presets. I'm not turning off the battery, but rather the on/off switch on the control box. I just can't seem to get it save my settings. By the way, I found the first nugget with it today, just a little .15 Dwt.


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Riverman . Push the on/off button and release it quickly when turning off or on. If you hold it down too long it will restore the presets. If this doesn't fix the problem, call Minelab USA. It should retain all your settings except the last autotuning numbers.----Bob

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Hello Riverman,

My first thought is you might be holding the On/Off button too long like Montana mentioned. To power up the GPX, you only need to hold the On/Off button down for like a second, don't hold it down.

The GPX-4000 will save all your settings when you power down the metal detector. When you power the GPX back up, you can hold the button to enter the "Reset to Default" menu. Here you have the choice of resetting some or all setting back to Factory Preset [FP] or exiting the menu.

Give it one more try and see what happens.

Merry Christmas,

Rob Allison

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Thanks Bob, I'll give that a try today. I have been thinking it might have something to do with the on/off switch. I don't push and hold the switch, rather I push it quickly, but maybe I need to do it even quicker.

After using it for a while now, it isn't any big deal just reset the machine after it has been turned off. I didn't know it wouldn't save the last auto tune settings, learn something new everyday on this forum. And Merry Christmas everyone.


Thanks also Rob, I have yet to see the "reset default" menu. So I will play with things today to get an idea of what its doing right or wrong. Don't help to send it to Minelab and just tell them its broke. It finds gold, and thats what is important for now.


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Hello Riverman,

I wanted to make sure I'm telling you the right stuff. I have my GPX-4000 right in front of me. :o Ok, when you "hold" the On/Off button, don't let it go when you see the "GPX-4000" displayed on the screen. Continue to hold the button down until you hear a multi-tone and see the "Reset Defaults" menu. From here you have three choices: Exit, General Mode or All Settings.

If you just want to "Exit" and keep all your settings, then turn the "right dial" on Exit. If you want to reset all the settings back to Factory Presets [FP], then turn the "right dial" on All Settings.

I mentioned to turn on the machine it's like 1 second, but I think it much quicker than that. Just don't hold it down, just a quick press and release.

To enter the "Reset Default" menu you have to hold down the On/Off button approx. 4-5 seconds.

Also, on the front panel of your GPX, you will see a 3-position switch that says: Patch, G or Deep. Here you can program in three of your favorite settings and change them. Minelab has them pre-labeled for you, but you might have three favorites like: Low Mineralization, Mild Mineralization and Extreme Mineralization.

Or maybe something like: Shallow or Exposed Bedrock, Mild Depth & Very Deep Ground.

Bascially you can make those settings and save them how you like. You don't have to use Minelab's labeling.

Hope this helps a bit. If not, give me a call.

Merry Christmas to all,

Rob Allison

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I tried to see if the "reset defaults" menu would come up as I have never tried that before, it did come up just as it should. But it still won't save my settings. The area I was hunting is real mild ground so I was making a lot of adjustments and having my settings saved would be a big help. I did however find two small nugs at depths of around 10" and 12". Since everything else works fine, I'll wait until it looks like bad weather ahead and then send it in for repairs. Don't want to be without if the weather is good. I view this as a very minor problem and am extremely happy with my new beeper.


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I tried to see if the "reset defaults" menu would come up as I have never tried that before, it did come up just as it should. But it still won't save my settings. The area I was hunting is real mild ground so I was making a lot of adjustments and having my settings saved would be a big help. I did however find two small nugs at depths of around 10" and 12". Since everything else works fine, I'll wait until it looks like bad weather ahead and then send it in for repairs. Don't want to be without if the weather is good. I view this as a very minor problem and am extremely happy with my new beeper.


Hello Riverman, I would say there is a fault with your machine. There have been a few issues with the power button here in OZ so maybe there is a probem with yours also. :( The GPX should automatically save your last settings to memory when you power down the machine unless you disconnect the power via the power supply. Part of the on/off button function is to save all your settings just like a PC shut down procedure, if there is a fault then this will occur.

Hope this helps


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Hello Riverman,

I didn't dawn on me until I talked with my partner tonight about the settings not saving on the GPX. What I forgot to mention is you need to power down your GPX with the On/Off button on the machine to save the settings. If you turn off the Coiltek Li-Ion System first you will not save your settings. I'm not sure why this happens, but found out a long time ago this happens on the GPX.

So basically to save settings you need to turn OFF the GPX first, then the Li-Ion System.

Hope this helps,

Rob Allison

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Thanks Rob, I have tried both and the settings aren't saved. That was my first thought when I noticed the settings weren't being saved. What I was doing at first was to turn off the detector with the switch on the detector, then turn off the battery. I thought that turning off the battery was why the settings weren't being saved. But that didn't make sense because the same would happen you went to charge the battery. Anyway, I've tried every way I could think of to get the detector to save the settings to no avail. For now I'll run it the way it is because it romps on the 2100.


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Hey Riverman,

Humm .... Normally that has worked, but maybe something is really wrong with yours. If you're finding gold and don't have to sent it back in now, you can do it later. Let me know when you send it in so I can let Minelab know about it.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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