Thanks Rob and Jim Straight

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I finally got the Jim Straight booklets for Christmas. I have been waiting for these for months since you advertised that you had them is stock. I flipped through them quickly while I tried to pay attention to the rest of my family as they opened their gifts. I must say that these are going to be a priceless addition to my prospecting collection. I already have “Follow the Drywashers†the Nuggetshooters Bible, also by Jim Straight, so I know that these booklets will contain valuable information as I look for the next patch. I am looking forward to reading them thoroghly. Thanks to Jim Straight for offering the signed copies through Rob and for spreading his knowledge about prospecting. Merry Christmas and take care.



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  • Admin

Hello Matt,

You're very welcome. Jim Straight is one of my mentors when it comes to geology and electronic prospecting. His books were so helpful back when I first started. Just think, there wasn't any Internet for gold forums to ask for help, just a few magazines and some books. Jim's books are the best in my opinion.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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