
Guest sandtrap

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Guest sandtrap

I'd like to hear , on what type of headphones you are all using, and how trouble free they are. I must be too rough on mine, for no matter what brand, they all seem to be shorting out.. comments please!

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Without question, my Jimmy Sierra Maxiphones. Had them rebuilt when one side developed an annoying sometimes short, and the earpieces were starting to crack. The repair was under warranty, and the earpiece replacements was $10.00. I think the J.S. are made by Detector pro, which make excellent headphones, and a good warranty. I like them because I can they have individual adjustments, if one ear is more or less good at hearing.

I like the Koss KW Pros for coin hunting. They are a little delicate, however, and don't take much abuse.

The warranty, however is excellent! The curly cable is super small, and very prone to become tangled in brush, etc. They were never meant for detecting, they are more suited for listening to music.

I have Sunrays as well, and don't like them particularly, as they seem too tight, and don't sound as well as the J.S., in my own experience. If anyone out there has some like new Jimmy Sierras, I would trade my like new Sun Ray Pros for them, OR some new, or like new DeTacc speakers.

Of course, no two folks have the same requirements, or head size, so it does take a little experimenting to come up with the ones just right for you!


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I'm currently switching back and forth between the Detectorpro Black Widows and the Sunray Pro Gold.

I'm not sure which one I like yet. They are about the same price. I may be leaning toward the Sunray's because of how they fit me. I think fit is important and you have to find the cans that work for you that way.

I'm picky because I edit audio for a livin B) g.

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I just purchased a pair of Sunray Pro Gold's

and tried them out today (in the wind), for the first time (using a 4000).

In my opinion, they are really good - here's why;

They fit tightly but are comfortable...hard to do.

You can still hear things in your immediate surroundings, muffled of course, but there.

They have individual ear volume controls...a must for me.

They have an overload cutout switch - it allows most tones at the regular "dialed in" volume,

but on an overload tone...you know the one when you edge over a buried beer can just below the surface?

that tone gets dampened to a tolerable level.

On days like today...high 30's to low 40's...they double as ear muffs.

They seem well made - a few months of hunting will tell the tale on that.

All in all they kick the stock headphones in the butt...again, my opinion.

They cost a touch too much.

All the best,


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  • Admin

Hey Sandtrap,

Headphones always come down to preference and style. I've been using the DetectorPro headphones for the last 10 years with great success. Gary Storm @ DetectorPro has always taken care of me and been a great distributor.

I started out using the original Gray Ghost and then worked up to the Gray Ghost Ultimates. Once the Black Widow's hit the market I went to them. I love my Black Widow's! :D

Many also like the stock Koss UR-30's that come with most Minelab metal detectors.

Yep, DetectorPro makes the Jimmy Sierra headphones also. Some also like the NuggetBusters that are also made by DetectorPro.

Hope this helps a bit,

Rob Allison

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Now I will add my two cents (grin)

Sandtrap has two choices... To get Lunk to follow him around

and tell him he has a signal... this has really happened.

Or Sandtrap can get a big high-powered Large Speaker

and wheel it about behind him... Maybe an old Atwater-Kent

from the 1920's.

Just kidd'en Jerry... Try to keep warm at your job- it is cold!


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Guest sandtrap

Just to end the old year, Oh GURU, I am taking off sunday,and am going to hit the RR area. not saying exactly where, but you need my Zuki to get there. Also, I plan on starting off the New Year (Jan.2nd) with new batteries in my hearing aids, and a determination to find at least one nugget .

I got another thermos for a Christmas gift, so when you decide to come up from windy, warm, sunny California, I will treat you to some smog free air, and a place to crash, and Sizzler to eat at.. Also enough coffee to start a flash flood. I'm trying to get Grubbie to come down, if he can get out of the snow..

Just picking on you Jim, but you know you are welcome anytime, as long as you don't swim in my new fishtank ((90 gal.)) Can't seem to keep headphones working--all of them are shorting out.. will use my exterior.

Also, no Lunk, ; there won't be any left for me.!! :P

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I like lanier's under the chin headphones. That way you can wear whatever hat you want. They dont cover your ears which I like because I like to hear whats going on around me. Mine also comes with an adjustable volumen control on the cable. They have great sound because they are made by a transcription company for professional transcription devices. They do need a converter for the connector if your detector takes quarter inch. They can be hard to find, but there is a guy on ebay that has had them for sell at a reasonable price. lanier is the manufacturer.


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Jerry... ha!... there is nothing wrong with your hearing. Remember

several months ago when you found the smallest nugget? It

was because you could hear it... I had walked over it.... What

headphones were you then using??? Stick with me Kid, and you

will prevail... just follow me and find that I cannot hear... Also,

be careful in the rough areas even if you have a "zuki." Remember

you are known as "Flatire Jerry" as well as "Sandtrap"...

If Gary... Grubstake... can come down... WOW, coffee at the

General Store on me... I really miss him and dorthy... it

was great to attend "fee," "planted" events... He is really a good

competion hunter... Great attitude...

To All who have posted with information on headphones... I'm

paying attention... Jerry's hearing is far better than mine... But,

then he is still a kid.... Best to All...

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Hey Sandtrap,

Headphones always come down to preference and style. I've been using the DetectorPro headphones for the last 10 years with great success. Gary Storm @ DetectorPro has always taken care of me and been a great distributor.

I started out using the original Gray Ghost and then worked up to the Gray Ghost Ultimates. Once the Black Widow's hit the market I went to them. I love my Black Widow's! :D

Many also like the stock Koss UR-30's that come with most Minelab metal detectors.

Yep, DetectorPro makes the Jimmy Sierra headphones also. Some also like the NuggetBusters that are also made by DetectorPro.

Hope this helps a bit,

Rob Allison

what he said

personally, i have a pair of sunrays, a set of detectorpros, and a set of koss EU-30's, and as far as overall preformance, personally i prefer the koss myself. BUTY its like Rob said, it allk comes back to that little insignificant thing called personal preference....lol

i know one guy how has a set of those big old over the ear 5lb humongogigantic radio shack tandy corp. headphones, and he swears by them. i even gave him a brand new set of koss one day because i thought it was that he just couldnt afford a good set, and hes never wore them, there still in the box.

ive been threatening to buy a set of those that they keep advertising on TV, those bose "over the ear" headphones and check those out.

also, one of these days when i can remeber, im going to buy a set of those new bluetooth "wireless" headphones for my 3500. ive got everything else setup on it so i dont have to wear a harness, and the only thing connecting me to my detector at this point is the headphones. would be sort of cool to have wireless ones.

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Love the Black Widow's always and I mean always keep a back up no matter what brand you have that ruins a day real fast when ones shorts or when it just stopes working. Usually happen after you have walked for 2 miles to get to your hot spot :D

Happy Hunting,


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