christmas nuggets

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Well, got out four times over the christmas break and scored 17 nuggets from two different locations, one of the areas I found last year the week before I left for Moore Creek, the other area is brand new. What's interesting about these two areas is that while they are about 10 miles apart, the gold is found in completely different locations at each wash. In the older area I have found all the gold very close to the old digs, but in the new area all the gold is at least 300-400 yards downstream with absolutely nothing close to the digs. The new area had a few silver nuggets added for flavor. I was wondering if the reason the gold is so far removed from the source at the new area is that the nuggets eroded out in a much more distant past and have carried farther, or if they may have a secondary source. Either way I guess I will keep hammering the spot until it quits. The 4000 with the platypus has now replaced my dd wallabee as my prospecting coil of choice, something I never thought I would say. I must say I have been truly impressed with the depth and sensitivity, and I don't even miss the disc.

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  • Admin

Hello Glenn,

Thanks for sharing your finds. However, did you focus your camera .... LOL :P

I think you're close to the Studmuffin patch. :huh:

I must say, at my young age I can't even keep up with you. You've probably hiked more ground that I will in lifetime. However, all the hiking has paid off for you. Just goes to show how much potential is still out there waiting.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Congratulations on the nuggets, nice ;) . ( I'll call them the fuzzy nuggets :P til you get them in focus)

Looks like the new patch is a good producer, great find. Great way to spend the Holidays... :D

Retiring the Wallaby to a standby, hard to believe :o ..............At least swinging the new platypus will save your back some wear and tear..............wonderer

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