Some Recon for New Years Nuggets

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Hello All,

Today Leaverite and I done some recon in some new spots. The area required quads and a lot of leg-work. However, the long haul landed us with almost a dozen gold nuggets and a new area to prospect. Leaverite found signs of old hand-stacking in one remote wash where a few gold nuggets were found today.

I ended up with (8) and Leaverite with (3). All the gold nuggets were found with Minelab GPX-4000's and Secret Coiltek Searchcoils. :huh:

Take a gander at the pictures below.

Rob Allison

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Nice Rob all the same size gold how good are your secret coils on the small stuff?

Take care,Matt


funny how that works eh?

i had this spot one time i was dredging, and i pulled around 2oz out of this area. funny thing was that it was mostly nuggets, and every single one of them weighted just between 1 and 1 1/8thdwt....looked like the suckers were classified or something down to that size....

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  • Admin

Hello Guys,

Terry - A high clearance Jeep or quad is the way to go. For years I was tearing up my 2000 GMC Full-size trying to access some of these areas. I finally broke down and purchased a Polaris 500 EFI Deluxe Sportsman! :D I'm now able to travel faster, less wear and tear on my vehicle and see country that I've never accessed before (too far to hike).

Mick - Drove by that way a couple weeks ago and thought about stopping by, but didn't have your number off hand. Another guy that is staying in that same park just recently purchased a GPX-4000. We still need to get out together like I promised. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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