Sunday's Hunt with Friends

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Hello Guys,

When back out today with Leaverite, Glenn, Jim P. and a new guy named Mike. Jim and his Son stayed at one placer location with Mike, while Leaverite, Glenn and I headed to another spots for a bit. I hit one small nugget at the first spot, maybe about 1/2 Dwt in size. This spot was where I hit the 8.6 Dwter some time ago and Glenn found about a dozen smaller nuggets there. Leaverite also found a small nugget from this spot, maybe 4-5 grains in size.

Later in the day we returned back to the first location. Glenn ended up findiing (2) and I found (3). I ended up with (4) nugget for the day for a total of 4 Dwt's.

In the picture below you will see our nuggets. The (4) on top are mine. The (2) on the left are Leaverite's. One found today, one found on anothe trip during the week. Glenn's are on the bottom. He found the (2) on the bottom left today, the larger specimen was right at 5 Dwt's and found in a very remote placer location that he just discovered.

P.S. Digital is taking "Pink" pictures again. Time to pull out my new Canon Elph. :huh:

Take care,

Rob Allison

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  • Admin

Hey Grubstake,

I would like to find a nice Rose Quartz and Gold Specimen. A friend several years ago found a beautiful Rose Quartz/Gold specimen and it was amazing.

This wash where Glenn and I found the 5 nuggets has produced about 4 ounces of beautiful rough gold. Biggest piece was about 5-6 Dwt's, but there could be potential for a bigger one at depth.

P.S. Did you get the Li-Ion Battery?

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Hi Rob, great to see you guys again. It's been a while. Thanks for taking care of the battery for me. Nothing for us, but it was good to get out. Mike seems to be picking up the 2000 pretty quickly. The one battery I had charged died on me just as I was getting back into the groove, so I decided to some sniping. My son managed to find some fairly small targets with the GM3 so I think he'll turn up his first detected nugget soon.

Congrats on the nuggets, you guys keep pounding them out. Loved the new coil by the way, I'm sure it's going to be a hit. Later...Jim

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