Nugget Cleaning

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I have a nice nugget that I would like to make into a pendant. The only problem is a few small pieces of butt ugly quartz on both sides of the nugget that pretty well destroys its beauty.

I have been reading about hydroflouric acid and I am not real enthused about trying that to dissolve the quartz. It is very nasty stuff. How else can I get rid of the quartz?



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I use Amour ecth, you ca buy it a hobby shop, for ecthing glass, Its not all that strong, its made of ammonium/sodium bifluorides. It will turn the quartz into a white powerie looking stuff, that you have to keep useing a tooth brush on, then let it set in it for a few more day. If theres not too much quartz, it will work in a few days, of repeating the soaking. I dilut mine with water, as it is a thick cream, but you could use it striaght. I don't even wear gloves, but it does say, it will burn your skin and eyes. Cost about $12.00 for 12 oz's. but it does work. Grubstake

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It works good and is not a dangerous as other methods, Some times I use a dental tool to help remove the quartz after it has turned powdery. Murictic will take the rust stains off, but won't do that much to the quartz to remove it. Grubstake Grocho Marks HUH! I was think more of the good the bad and the ugly, me being Clint of course! ;);):P:P Grubstake My wife took that picture, I'm down on my knee's by the bed, praying for some nuggets. :lol::lol::lol:

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Do wear gloves with any glass etching materials, including hobby type stuff - not only can they burn skin and eyes, they can do long term damage your nervous system. Also do the stuff outdoors, the vapors generated are also hazardous.

Gary is right that muratic acid, AKA pool acid or Hydrogen chloride will disolve iron, but not quartz.


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I use armour etch too...It's slow but it works pretty good...Makes the quartz ugly though so make sure you want to stick with it once you start...I wonder how Armour Etch would work on other types of rock, like hematite, or just plain ol ugly rock? Chris??? Cheers, Unc

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