Almost Ready to quit

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Hey LuckyLundy

I was at Castle from 1961 to 1964 and that's how I got into prospecting.


I know you yourself have been sick more times you can count.I myself have been cut on for rupture so many times the Dr. said he didn't know if he could patch me up anymore. One time I'd just had it done maybe three weeks before and a guy at church had lost his legs I pick him up to put him in the car,well I was back in again to get that fix.

I went to a gun show two weeks ago and three army guys showed up from the burn unit.One of them had no face anymore only two holes with eye's in it.You could tell that he was a young man that had been to hell and back the hard way.

Grub I'm like you I'm about to climb the walls because I too need to get out.We start to feel sorry for our self and I'm no different than you.In what you write I see that you are a caring person and a friend to anyone that want's to be a friend to you. We sometimes have to call on a greater power than anything on this earth has to offer.I believe the power in pray will get us past the point when we think we can't make it anymore.

Don't sell that GP4000 you got the best detector on the market right now. You will be kicking your own butt if you do because thing's will get better and that snow will melt.

I not only sold my GP3500 but also sold my Rokon so now I'm walking.I knew it would be some time before I'd get to nugget hunt again and now waiting to see who is going to come out with a new gold detector.

You keep us posted on how things are going with you and your family.We want you to know we all care about you and in some way are another we'll be here for you.

Chuck Anders

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Grubstake did you loose that place were you took me? If so that is a bummer there is alot of good Poison Oak there. And easy to get to. I'm sure you and your crew well find some gold soon. You, Shep, Pondman and Miner Matt seem to do weel up there. Wait I forgot your Uncle Allan. Please tell him I said hello. This 2008 has been the worst start for me in 5 years. Take Matt up on his offer he's the one that I was trying to get come to Mariposa when I went. He's a good guy, I used to hunt with him a while back when I first started since I'm from Sacramento to.

Good Luck Dustin

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Yep Dustin, thats the place, all being sold off and subdivided up by the family. 4 years ago, I could have bought 80 acs. for $35000.00 now they sold just 21 for $275,000.00 So now they don't want anyone in there. The owners are both in the full time care home, and its costing $16,000.00 a month to keep them in. So there kids had no other way to raise the money, except sell it off. Too bad for them and me too. Grubstake

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Grubstake, sorry to read about all your difficulties...hopefully it is just a phase brought on by the lousy weather in your area and that spring will bring you a refreshed outlook and a change of heart. I've read so much passion in your posts for nugget hunting not to mention the joy when you post about the finds your guests dig up. I can not imagine not reading your posts about your latest outing... The snows will be gone soon, the air will be warm and the nuggets will once again be calling your name. Hang tight, get healthy and good hunting!

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Yeh I know Cooter, but its still depressing. I tell ya, I'm tired, tired of being sick all the time, tired of my wife being sick, and her mother. Always someone sick here. I'm not looking forward to having gall bladder surgery, but its getting worse everyday. I know its got to come out. I just wish I didn't have to go through all the heart test and crap, before they will take it out.I'm getting out this coming weekend, with my uncle. So it will help take the edge off. I'd give everything I have, if I could just go back 15 years, when I had my health and was still driving truck. So would my wife. Grubstake

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Yeh Ted, it broke my heart, hunt that 180 acs. for 6 years, hardly even touched it. Lot of spots over there have never seen a detector on it. But thats the way things work out sometimes. I'm gratful for the 6 years I did have over there and the gold and friends I had too. Grubstake

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Yeah if your real lucky you'll hit the misfire bullet with a pick. Did that a few weeks ago over there. Hate that. Wish people were a little more responsible with there ammo. But heck it's still fun. Grubstake i hope the nice weather got you feeling better today. I was in a goal setting meeting all day today. All I could think was about quiting and going detecting. Funny how the mind treats you sometimes. Been in the park for 12 years.....don't really want to walk away from that. I still have to buy more toys.


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