More GPX-4500 Gold

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G'day all, went out with the family yesterday to the same location I scored the 50 grams recently. This was Frieda's first chance of using the 4500 plus I was pretty keen to revisit the area as I have only given it a light going over.

In the GPX Factor DVD there is a scene (spread over the two discs) where I dug a 3 OZ nugget at good depth using Smooth mode, I am no re-doing this area with the 4500 using the new Enhance timings and a number of other tweaks that were not available to me with the 4000 (Stabilizer, Inbuilt booster, Target volume etc). This machine is so smooth and I know that the 4500 is punching in heaps deeper in Enhance than the 4000 was in Smooth mode (did a scene to camera last week demonstrating the differences on a 5 1/2 ounce nugget in a noisy test bed).

Yesterdays tally came in at 45 grams with the biggest bit being 38 grams, to say I'm impressed is an understatement. B) So far for 8 odd hours detecting time I've scored close on 100 grams of the good stuff. :) BTW Frieda scored the first piece with her new Gold Stalker 14", but I hogged the limelight. :lol:



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Hello JP,

You're a freakin gold animal! :P Congrats on the new finds with the GPX-4500. I spent this weekend working some old spots with the GPX-4500 & 18.5-inch Elliptical, but only ended up with one nugget. I guess it could have been worse, I could have gotten skunked.

I ended up hitting a nice 3.5 (5 Grammer) in an old patch that I missed prior. The area has been worked very hard and the max depth in the area might only be two foot. I think the bigger nuggets (ounce plus) have been picked clean many years ago.

Thanks for sharing your finds.

Rob Allison

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Hello JP,

You're a freakin gold animal! :P Congrats on the new finds with the GPX-4500. I spent this weekend working some old spots with the GPX-4500 & 18.5-inch Elliptical, but only ended up with one nugget. I guess it could have been worse, I could have gotten skunked.

I ended up hitting a nice 3.5 (5 Grammer) in an old patch that I missed prior. The area has been worked very hard and the max depth in the area might only be two foot. I think the bigger nuggets (ounce plus) have been picked clean many years ago.

Thanks for sharing your finds.

Rob Allison

Glad to hear you did not get skunked like I did. (lol...i'm still learning :D)

Thank you very much for take me out to Rich Hill Rob. I had a blast figuring this thing out. I now know what to expect as far as what shoes to wear and how to attack Rich Hill. I was so worn out by the time I left that I am not sure that I would have noticed if I WAS over a piece of gold. lol. Takes determination, thats for sure. My Chevro-legs just flat ran out of gas. (Probably from parking in the lowest parking lot and walking to the top where you and Travis were :D )

Thanks again, I will purchase a membership to the 24k claims as soon as I have my truck back on the road, it is just a bit rough getting my Neon back there.


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