Old find, 1/4oz Black Canyon nugget

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Hi Rob and all, I posted the nugget but I never got around to posting the recovery. I felt this was a nugget so I took pics in stages as I dug it up. I'm also trying Photobucket for the first time so wish me luck. I tend to saver the moments before I see the nugget, just imagining what it will look like. The anticipation is what keeps me coming back. My appologies to the guys on dial-up.

I heard the beginings of a signal so I boot scraped and rechecked.

Note the Shist in the upper part of the photo


The signal was faint but solid so I dug a couple inches and rounded out the hole.


Continuing to dig and pinpoint


Getting closer and louder, not much longer


Didn't measure it but the hole is a lot deeper than it looks


Oops, out of space. :P I'll continue this in a reply. Later...Jim P.

Weird, I added a reply, but it put it right into the original post???

Bedrock showing, what's the funny rock at the bottom of the hole?


Could it be?


Sure enough, it's yeller!


Nice 1/4 oz Bradshaw nugget


Hope you enjoyed. Later...Jim P.

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Mornign to ya Jim. -- Here I am sitting at the puter reading your post when with a click of the mouse there I was Jim right beside ya anxiously awaiting the moment when that nice nugget got to see daylight for its first time. Thanks for letting me share your excitement of the find. :)


Swing low and slow to awaken the sleeping gold.

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  • Admin

Hello Jim,

Thanks for sharing the pictures and story. We all took a bunch of gold out of that spot. Funny, it's been a Roadrunner Claim for at least 15 years and all those nuggets (hundreds of them) were still just laying there to be found. I'm not sure what Glenn, Dennis, Phil and I took from there. :o

Take care,

Rob Allison

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:D Jim...I impressed your finding gold nugget in Black Canyon. I looked at your pics to have some steps of digging and deeper to find a nugget. It's really cool! I am interested to prospect there soon when the cool weather arrives. GPAA claims in Black Canyon are little bit complication for me to access. I use GPAA Claims guides book. It looked good and need more details about Black Canyon area. Anyway, you can clean the nugget with Lime-A-Way in a jar or small glass cup. You shake it gently. It soaks about a couple hours. You see the dirt coming off. Pour a small cup full of vinegar and salt. Shake it gently again. You can see your nugget to shine and pure. Test it yourself or ask any experts to answer. Good luck! I live in Peoria too. Have a great day!


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Thanks Fred, glad you liked it.

Don, good to hear from you. How's things in Yarnell? Glad you enjoyed the pictures, I know I enjoyed taking them.

Frogmick, thanks. And thanks for letting them load, I'll try to make thumbnails next time.

Slim, where are you these days? It does look a little like a pointy finger. After it was cleaned, my wife said it looked like the virgin Mary holding Jesus ( you have to look at it just right ;) )

Thanks Gaine. You're welcome, it was my pleasure. Kids are great, just got out for the summer :blink: Good luck in AK!

mbcougartl, thanks. Yep, it can be confusing out there. Most of the claims have a corner or two still marked and they do have signs with the arrows pointing toward the claims. Take a GPS and keep driving, eventually you will find one :D

Rob, I know it surprised me to find so much on a RR claim. Probably due to the tough access. I'd like to check it out some more but with the storms we had last year I would guess it's quad only right now. Unless your name is Glenn, then any trail is accessible by Jeep or Truck :wacko:

Thanks Guys...Jim P.

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