Just upgraded the forum to newest version

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Hello All,

Just wanted to let you all know I just recently upgraded the forum to the newest forum version. There are more features for the users, so hopefully the transition for the old to new is good. If anyone is having trouble with log-in, private messages, posting or whatever, please email me at - auplacers@yahoo.com


Rob Allison ;)

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Rob when I click on your name to look for posts you've made I get a 1/4 page of jibberish but it still works another way rather then going to your direct thread ID go to where you've posted on the right hand side and it works, that probably didn't make sense i'm a little tired right about now LOL :wacko: .

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"View New Posts" gives me this:

$final = array(); foreach( $forumids as $f ) { $f = intval($f); if ( $this->check_access($this->ipsclass->forums->forum_by_id[ $f ] ) == TRUE ) { $final[] = $f; } } //----------------------------------------- // Remove blocked forums //----------------------------------------- if ( $this->ipsclass->input['CODE'] == 'getnew' OR $this->ipsclass->input['CODE'] == 'getactive' ) { $block_forums = explode( ',', $this->ipsclass->vars['vnp_block_forums'] ); if ( is_array( $block_forums ) and count( $block_forums ) ) { if ( is_array( $final ) and count( $final ) ) { $tmp = $final; $final = array(); foreach( $tmp as $id ) { if ( in_array( $id, $block_forums ) ) { continue; } else { $final[] = $id; } } } } } //----------------------------------------- // Return //----------------------------------------- $this->searchable_forums = $final; return implode( "," , $final ); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Check password... /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function check_access($i) { $can_read = FALSE; $i['read_perms'] = isset($i['read_perms']) ? $i['read_perms'] : NULL; if ( $this->ipsclass->check_perms( $i['read_perms'] ) == TRUE ) { $can_read = TRUE; } else { $can_read = FALSE; } $i['password'] = isset($i['password']) ? $i['password'] : NULL; if ( $i['password'] != "" and $can_read == TRUE ) { if ( $this->ipsclass->forums->forums_compare_password( $i['id'] ) == TRUE ) { $can_read = TRUE; } else { $can_read = FALSE; if( $i['password_override'] ) { $bypass_groups = explode( ",", $i['password_override'] ); $my_groups = array( $this->ipsclass->member['mgroup'] ); if( $this->ipsclass->member['mgroup_others'] ) { $my_groups = array_merge( $my_groups, explode( ",", $this->ipsclass->clean_perm_string( $this->ipsclass->member['mgroup_others'] ) ) ); } foreach( $my_groups as $g_id ) { if( in_array( $g_id, $bypass_groups ) ) { $can_read = TRUE; } } } } } return $can_read; } } ?>

Not that it probably makes nuch sense, but thought I would include it.

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Upgraded...new features...?

Click on "View New Posts" and here's a portion of the "New Posts"; :blink:

function check_access($i) { $can_read = FALSE; $i['read_perms'] = isset($i['read_perms']) ? $i['read_perms'] : NULL; if ( $this->ipsclass->check_perms( $i['read_perms'] ) == TRUE ) { $can_read = TRUE; } else { $can_read = FALSE; } $i['password'] = isset($i['password']) ? $i['password'] : NULL; if ( $i['password'] != "" and $can_read == TRUE ) { if ( $this->ipsclass->forums->forums_compare_password( $i['id'] ) == TRUE ) { $can_read = TRUE; } else { $can_read = FALSE; if( $i['password_override'] ) { $bypass_groups = explode( ",", $i['password_override'] ); $my_groups = array( $this->ipsclass->member['mgroup'] ); if( $this->ipsclass->member['mgroup_others'] ) { $my_groups = array_merge( $my_groups, explode( ",", $this->ipsclass->clean_perm_string( $this

Hey Rob, you wanna buy a bridge? :huh:

I think a little tweak here and maybe over here...(we know that it's not your fault).

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Yeah well Rob knows how to run a detector better then this comeon guys HEH HEH

he'd dance around us out in the field :P

see if that attachment thingy works lol

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