Price Increase on Coiltek and other Accessories

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Hello All,

I was just informed today of the recent price increase. There has been a price increase on pretty much all Coiltek and other accessories. The Inventory I have in stock I will still sale at the normal price, but all new inventory purchased will be sold at the newer, higher price. Doc and Coiltek kept the prices down for many years when there should have been a minor increase.

I tried to correct all the prices on the forum, but the website still has some older prices listed.

Just an update,

Rob Allison

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Yes we have the wonderful slide of the value of our American dollar to thank for this one.

When I started bringing you Coiltek products, the Aussie dollar was worth 56 cents American. So if I was buying a coil for $250 Australian Dollars, it cost me. $140 American. add in the shipping cost and the cost of clearing the item through customs, add $15. now I'm up to $155. Take that coil that costs $250 Aussie dollars today, and at .92 cents exchange rate I now pay $230, add shipping $15. now we have a cost of $245.

Well all of a sudden it occurred to me that it was getting harder to meet my bills. I have never had a price increase to you guys. However, when I started doing the math, I found out something very disturbing, not only was I not making a profit on many many items, on about 10% of the merchandise I carry I was losing money on every sale. Sometimes as much as $50. OUCH! Guess I'm not a very good business man, to not keep an eye on the bottom line. I've always been more interested in giving great customer service, and having dealers like Rob who had the same belief about customer service that I do.

My other business is what always paid the bills. So I always considered the Metal Detecting supply business my hobby business. But the fact is, thanks to you guys, and dealers like Rob, Doc's Detecting Supply can no longer be considered a "Hobby Business." The amount of merchandise we ship, and import is staggering, even to me. If someone had told me 12 years ago I could start a little supply business and see it grow at this rate I would have told them they were crazy. We shipped over 10,000 packages last year. My postage bill looks like the gross national debt.

I have three people to thank. My great customers, my great dealers, and a great company to work with, COILTEK.

So with all that said I will try to attach the new price list, don't know if the forum will accept a PDF file. I have hopefully updated the web site so everything is current. Please feel free to use the website to look at pictures, and get pricing, but if you are reading this on Rob's forum, please call Rob and place your order, as I like to support my dealers. Rob stocks almost everything, and if he doesn't have it in stock we drop ship it for him to the customer so there is no delay in you getting your merchandise.

Thanks gang,


Hello All,

I was just informed today of the recent price increase. There has been a price increase on pretty much all Coiltek and other accessories. The Inventory I have in stock I will still sale at the normal price, but all new inventory purchased will be sold at the newer, higher price. Doc and Coiltek kept the prices down for many years when there should have been a minor increase.

I tried to correct all the prices on the forum, but the website still has some older prices listed.

Just an update,

Rob Allison

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