Moore Creek Week 2

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Week 2 just finished up with a tad over 21 ounces! Awesome considering the dozers were down and the gold is "all gone".

Glenn got the most nuggets with 20 in the bag, and just nudged out Rob with a bit over 6 ounces, including a nugget over an ounce. Rob got three nuggets over an ounce including the largest of the week at 1.65 ounce. Dennis got two over an ounce. Dredging and highbanking is good, in fact a couple guys highbanking just got .4 oz in less than an hour of nice chunky stuff. We hit a rich layer of virgin ground.

Keith and Krys were a bit off their game but all had a great time.Still hard to believe all the great finds this week.

Steve Herschbach

MooreCreek Mining LLC

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Outstanding !!! To say wish I were there to help with the Dozers is the understatement of the year but I couldn't do anything anyway will be recuperating for a while I am afraid but am doing better...Great folks, great hunts and finds it doesnt get any better then that.....Well Done .......Geo

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Hello Guys,

Well it's about 6:30am here in McGrath, Alaska. Thought I would tell everyone I had a great trip to Moore Creek once again. Steve H. is a great host and the Moore Creek Mine is a place everyone should see if you enjoy the outback of Alaska and want to chase a bit of gold. The dozers were all down, but that didn't stop the hardy from finding those ellusive gold nuggets. Our group found over 20+ ounces of nice gold nuggets. I ended up with 3 over an ounce, for my best year at Moore Creek. Glenn was amazing once again running down the tailing piles and fighting the brush to score more gold nuggets then prior years.

Dave M. found a beautiful 3.44 ounce the first week and Steve F. found an awesome looking crystalline 3/4 ouncer. One of the best nuggets I've seen before.

Like always at the Moore Creek Mine, great friends, food & GOLD! :o

We didn't need any dozer .... :girl: Just get out there and pound dirt, there are hundreds of gold nuggets to be found at the mine.

P.S. The Minelab GPX-4500's with the new Coiltek Goldstalker 18-inch coils kicked ass~!

Talk with you all later,

Rob Allison

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All I can say is WOW WOW WOW can't wait to see some pictures.

Are you guys finding these nuggets in patchs? are they coming off decomposing or blown out quartz veins ? how are these nuggets scattered around?

Steve another thing I was wondering about is why so much sample drilling? are you searching for the mother load vein ?

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Hello Vini,

Thought I would check the PC one last time before I leave McGrath. I have a good amount of pictures and some short videos I will post when I return.

Most, if not all the gold nugget/specimens are found in old dragline dredge tailing piles. Some of the piles are huge and can take a good 2-3 hours to scan them. The Minelab PI's are the ticket to finding great gold at Moore Creek.

Some areas were pushed before we arrived, but both of the dozers went down when we arrived. There was at least 7-8 gold nuggets found in the old pushes from the prior week. A matter of fact, one of my one ouncers was found right in the middle of one of the old pushes. I guess everyone was just walking around it.

Full Metal Mining, an exploration mining company out of Canada is drilling the Moore Creek Mine. This potentially could lead into a very productive gold mine. The assays from some of the cores showed great potential, but I don't know enough. I'm sure Steve H. can explain more about the mining company being there. I just hope their cores come back to prove there is a huge overlooked gold deposit there. One of the Geologists on site mentioned the Moore Creek mineralized system could be on the same trend as the Donlan (spelling?) project that has over 60 million ounces of gold. :blink:

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Hello Don,

I'm sure if I stayed another week I could turn up another 3-4 ounces with ease. However, after hunting 4-5 days straight your body starts to break down. My shoulder was pretty worn down after 4-5 days of detecting 12-14 hours per day. The hardest part is walking on uneven ground, crashing through Alders and detecting sideways 90% of time. However, it was well worth it in my opinion.

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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