A ? for Mr. Rob Allison & Mr.Jonathan Porter................

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Hello Mr Rob Allison & Mr. Jonathan Porter,,,

I am operating the SD 2200 2v...Enjoying this Sport very well. I have a the Coiltek New GoldStalker 9x13.5 Mono...My first Mono Coil for my machine.I have Black Sand, Iron, Hot Rocks, Red & orange ground in the area. In large gravel areas. Sum of these areas have lake rocks as large as my hand, going very deep. I am looking for small gold, within a foot or so, toward the surface...My ?'s are. Because of noisy ground how should I set my settings on my SD 2200 2v? Too find that small gold...

And with that new Lithium Ion Battery, if I have to set that battery back too 6Volts, how do I set it up to 6 Volts, from that 7.3 Volts, because of too much ground noise? I appreciate both of your expert advice,,,And Knowledge....Awaiting your answers...Hope you both have a great day...Thank-You Both, for your time..............................Bob777...

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Hey Bob,

Welcome to the forums and Thanks for the business! ;)

The new Coiltek Goldstalker Mono that you just purchased will help find smaller gold and get you a bit more depth over the coil you have been using. I believe you might have purchased the Coiltek Li-Ion System also. This will help stablize your SD throughout the day using a higher voltage. This also helps increase depth/sensitivity a bit when you're running the 7.3 volt mode. If you want to take it back to 6 volts, just flip the switch back to 6 volts. You can toggle the switch back in forth if you desire. However, I recommend running the 7.3 volt mode all the time.

You mentioned finding nuggets under a grain in size. This might be tough with an SD model. They are not as sensitive as the GP or GPX series, which can pick up nuggets down to a grain or smaller. I know I found nuggets around 2-3 grains at the surface with the SD's, so this shouldn't be a problem if you're paying close attention. If you're looking to find very small gold, you might consider the Coiltek Joey Mono 10x5 elliptical or Minelab 8-inch Round Mono like I stated in the email.

I would also recommend running in the Fixed Ground Balance mode if you can. If the mineralization is too tough, you might have to resort back to the Tracking mode.

I'm sure JP will give you some great tips also on the SD2200.

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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Sounds like your in a mineralised area, the 2200's hate mono coils, the only place I or my uncle have found we can run mono's is in the desert, DD coils are much more to the likeing of the 2200, they will run less noisey and be more stable. The trade of is you need a smaller coil DD to find gold in that range. The smallest gold I have found with the 2200sd is around .2 of a pennyweight, at around 3 inches. anything smaller is mostly missed. But then I'm looking for bigger gold anyway. I suggest you get a Joey DD coil, you will see the difference in smoothness right away. Grubstake

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Hello Gary,

Was hoping you would comment since you're back using the SD2200 with the Coiltek Li-Ion System. It's been such a long time since I've personally used the SD's. However, here in Arizona I never used a DD, always a Mono. I never had a problem here in Arizona with a Mono on the SD's. I believe the smallest nugget I ever found with the SD's was a 0.8 grain nugget right on bedrock with the Coiltek Joey Mono Searchcoil. I know I found plenty of 2-5 grainers on the surface, or very close to the surface with ease.

When Bob called a few nights ago he wanted a coil that would give him better sensitivity to smaller gold. I figured a Mono would be the best choice since it would give him better sensitivity, better pinpointing and a bit more depth.

Gary, I'm sure Bob is going to love the new 14-inch Goldstalker Mono, but if the mineralization is really that bad where he is hunting, he might have to go to a smaller DD, or DD Pro searchcoil. I'm hoping the Mono will work well for him.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Yeh it depends on his soil conditions, as you have seen for yourself, we have very bad ground up here in most places, a mono will not work with a 2200, I think you saw that first hand with a 3500 sometimes its even dificult. remember over at that patch, you had to use my wallaby DD to find that nugget. I can use the mono's in the desert just fine, but up here,at least with the 2200, its DD's all the way. And Bob777, run that pocket rocket battery on the 7.3 volt setting, it will give you better performance and an edge on depth. the lower setting 6.7 was made for the models of minelabs from the GP Extreme to the 3500, because they have a internal regulator, the 2200 does not, and the higher voltage perks them up quite good. Also I would use no-metal boots or shoes, as this will help, you won't be picking up your boots or shoes with the larger coils. If you don't have them already, Rob can help you out on that also. Grubstake

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Greetings Bob

My name is Todd, I live in central Texas and I use the 2200v2. We have quite a bit of miniralization here in my area and our gold is prety small. I run the pocket rocket on mine and I use the Coiltek Joey mono coil. I would also recomend that you get a Gold Screamer amp for your detector it will help to bring those faint signals out. It sounds like your in prety deep ground if the bedrock is over 6 inches deep I run mine in the deep mode. If bedrock is less than 6 inches I run it in shallow. Even with all the add on's on my machine 2 to 3 grains is about as small as I can hear. There are times when the Pocket Rocket is set a 7.3 volts that the background noise can get unbearable, when it does I drop down to the 6 volt setting and give it a try. You will loose some of your sensitvity to small stuff with the voltage drop but it may be the only way you can hunt. If the ground is realy hot you can run it in tracking but you will risk loosing those realy small targets. If you hear a target flip it to fixed before you go back over it. My problem where I live is EM noise, to many cell towers and power lines. Even with all the noise you can learn to pick out the weee woo sound of a good target, most of my hot rocks make a woo weee sound, big nuggets can make this sound to, but I aint got a problem with big nuggets getting in the way of my dink hunting. :blink: The 2200v2 starts to realy work when the nuggets get to 10 or 15 grains and up. If you are using the DD coils you can try the discrimination nob(level adjust) on rare ocassions this will cancel out some ferris junk but dont count on it. When I use DD coils I set mine to 12 o'clok and leave it alone. You got a great detector. If a Minelab SD unit doesnt work on your ground the only thing that will would be a Minelab GP or GPX detector.

Long time viewer, first time poster

Thanks Todd

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