Test Drive the GoldStalker 14" Today...................

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Hello Rob & Grubstake,,,

Test drove the GoldStalker Mono today. IN one area Silence is Golden. Move around 40 yards or so a little cherp at the end of the swing, but not consistant. Lay it down in that little noisey, ground silence, again. I guess the ground out here isnot too noisy in spots...But where it was alittle chip, the ground a foot or deeper was watery...Oka, that put aside. Both of you guys did me right. Even when I had that cherp, I still found targets. The cherps was not constant so the whisper targetts I was finding at 12"-14" or so were ausum...I found targets at 1"- 14"s...The last target I quit digging at 12"...I find that one later again.Thats two like that. Even found the last target I had with that DD 11", and blew my ears off...Boy is that Coil Sensative...All I have to say is it finds me targetts all day long with no problems...Target size very tiny - pennyweights not a problem...Now it time for a more serious area...When I find what I am looking for, I will post it I know its there...Placer Platinum, White Gold...Thanks Guys for all your help...

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Hello ,,,

Went out again today. It seems like when I am digging almost in water the machine starts a cherp at the end of the swing, but not consistant. When I am digging in a area that is dry, no cherping. Just silence. I think the water makes it cherp when the area is too wet. Still can work with it easily. Other wise I go all day with out a cherp. But did find 2 flakes of gold today...Nothing to brag about, but two hours of fun...Been finding like redish steel with this gold...Sometimes just the steel so I thru the rest of those targetts away...After cleaning these two flakes found the yellow...So for now on I keep everything until I clean it all up...A lesson learned...Woops!...Coil found the flakes at 5"-8"...Had it set at shallow...Didn't want to dig too China today...Coil works Great...Bob777...

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Thanks for the info Bob777,

Its good to hear about the new coil on an SD series machine. Do you have a scale? I`m curious what size/weight "flakes" you are getting at 5-8 inches in shallow mode. I think I would be running Normal mode at those depths.

Are you scraping or bumping highly mineralized ground during the swing to cause the falsing?

Anyway, the Goldstalker series look to be fine coils.

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Hello Adam,,,

This is Bob. I was Sraping trying not to touch the ground much...That Goldstalker is very sensative coil to find those targetts at that depth I think...I was running shallow going thru this area to see if I would pick sum shallow targets, then go back over it again in deep, for deeper targets.(really slow it down...) Yes I have a scale, dinnot put it on yet. The flakes you can pick them up. The real wet ground when digging I get a chirp at the end of the swing, but not enough to throw me off...When the ground is dry when digging no chirps jusy silence...I think this is a excellent coil to use on a SD2200.The more I use it the more I just donnot want to use anything else...Boy this coil goes deep too...Found lots of deep targets between a foot too two feet + no problems. But the gold flakes I found where on whispers, that impressed me...(shallow & deep...) Have a 5 day weeken comming up this week, should have a blast...Bob777

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  • Admin

Hey Bob,

Great to hear I steered you straight on the new 14-inch Goldstalker Searchcoil. I knew you would like it from what I've found and others that are now using the same coil. Even though it's Summer time and sales are a bit slower, it's tough for me to keep the new Coiltek Goldstalker in stock.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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