2009 Moore Creek Pay-to-Mine is a GO!!!

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Hello All,

Just wanted to let everyone know that Moore Creek will be open for the 2009 Season! :D:) I have the entire second week reserved for next year. I will be taking 14 of my close friends and customers. Contact me for booking for the "Rob Allison" week. :wub:

For more information on Moore Creek, availability & pricing, click here to visit the offical Moore Creek website - http://www.moorecreek.com/cost_and_availability.htm

Can't wait to get back up there and find more Alaska gold.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hi Rob,

Yeah, I was looking for any excuse to call it quits this year. You guys saved the day. When we ended up with both dozers down week 2 I figured it would be a disaster and everyone would be pissed off. And if people get grumpy I get grumpy. And if I get grumpy, that's the end of it! But it is a real testament to the hunting skills of those in week 2 and to the GPX-4500 that the gold take went way up in week 2. It was pretty amazing how many nuggets came off areas considered well and truly hunted out. Anyone that doubts that the GPX can pull gold up deeper than the previous Minelab units would have no doubts after seeing what you guys did with them at Moore Creek.

We are effectively half sold out already for next year due to our high rate a return visitors. I get people who wonder why the early weeks are popular at Moore Creek and Ganes Creek. Well, it is not that there is more gold in early weeks. It is basically that the bugs are fewest early on and get more plentiful as the summer warms up. We are having the coldest summer on record in Alaska this year, however, and so the bugs never did get as bad as in past years.

The bulldozer thing was a bummer. The whole reason I got a second bulldozer was to make sure we had a dozer available to use daily. Unfortunately not only did the D9 go down, but the mechanic that was scheduled to go out and have it running before you all arrived did not show. And believe me, you don't find guys willing to work on 1955 D9 bulldozers in remote locations on every street corner. Then on top of that the exploration crew using the 450 put bad fuel in the unit and wiped out the fuel pump and injectors. And the parts were not in stock in Anchorage. Just a long chain of unlikely and unforeseeable events that ended up meaning no bulldozer for week 2.

Well, the 450 did get repaired and the D9 should be up and running by the end of August. But I guess I'd have to caution anyone coming up next summer that although I do my best stuff can happen in the middle of nowhere Alaska that makes it impossible for us to absolutely promise we will run the dozers daily. That certainly is my intent, as I really enjoy bulldozing, but you just never know.

Anyway, you guys were great, and I'm already looking forward to next summer. I figured after 5 weeks I'd be pretty burned out, but except for a cold that had me dragging for a few days it really was a good time for all involved, including Bob, Nicole and I. One thing people may not understand is that not only do we want as much as possible for everyone to enjoy themselves, but that we also demand it be enjoyable for us. This certainly is not something we need to do. It is actually quite a lot of work to put the show on, and every dime has gone right back into just trying to make it better for you guys. It is a win-win deal for all involved so as long as you guys are having fun and we are having fun then we will just keep doing it.

Steve Herschbach

Moore Creek Mining LLC

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Just a reminder. I have reserved Week 1 and Week 2 until August 31st to give our many repeat customers an opportunity at early booking, plus to hold some spots for Rob. As of September 1st all spots that do not have a deposit down will be opened for booking on a first come, first serve basis.

Weeks 3 and 4 are available for open booking right now, first come, first serve. Again, however, as of September 1st all spots that do not have a deposit down will be opened for booking on a first come, first serve basis. Long story short, only a non-refundable deposit books an available spot.

So far we have kept the fact we are booking quiet and in fact this is the only place it has been mentioned. But I will be ramping up the advertising starting today by annoucing it on our radio show and emailing the remaining 2008 visitors who have not yet been notified.

I am headed up to the mine on August 8th for a week and so will be unavailble that week. I am going to prep up ground, especially the highbanker area, for next summer. We had a lot of frozen ground this year so I want to get stuff stripped now for next summer to try and avoid that.

Steve Herschbach

Moore Creek Mining LLC

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is great news Steve.

As an Australian who has been to Ganes Creek in 2007, Moore Creek in 2008, as well as prospecting in Western Australia and the Victorian Golden Triangle (where I live), my unsolicited advice to anyone on this website who wants to find large nuggets, enjoy spectacular scenery, great food and wonderful company, is to do yourselves a favour, and beg or borrow money to get to Moore Creek in 2009.

I endorse all Rob and Stephen have said about their personal endorsements Moore Creek, I cannot match their eloquence but simply say they have not understated the position. I have been nugget hunting for over 10 years, but in the space of three days at Moore Creek I found my three largest nuggets, including a 1.1 and 2.6 ouncer. I found around 6 ounces of gold all up, including around 1.5 ounces highbanking shared with Stephen (an activity I have never tried before) over a period of around only a day which was just about the most fun I have had standing up. Chilled in a mountain stream, even Budweiser tasted good at Moore Creek !

I'm re-booking into Week 3 for 2009, and am sure Steve will have another successful year.


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