Goldstalker coil GP3000 users ?

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Ive owned my GP3k since new, and like a security blanket we work great together. So Im still holding out on a 4500. My query, is anyone using the Goldstalker coils with a GP3k ? Comments ? My goto coils on my GP are my 10" Goldsearch Mono, Wallaby' DD, 24x12 UFO mono, and sometimes a Joey DD. Thanks.


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  • Admin

Hello Fishbone,

I've personally used the Coiltek Goldstalkers on both the GPX-4000 and GPX-4500. I've never used one on prior units, but sold a bunch of them to guys that are using SD thru GP's. I'm sure either Goldstalker (14 or 18.5) would work very well on the GP3000.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Sweet. Now the only decision I need to make is which one to get. To fill the niche between the UFO 12x24 mono and my Wallaby DD Pro ? I could go either way. With new Goldstalkers coming out it may make choosing easier.

Thanks , John

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