Texas gold and garnets

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Me and a buddy got to go dredge last weekend on my permited area on Lake Marble Falls located in central Texas. We only got to dredge for a couple of hours, but we didnt do to bad. It s a great way to beat the 100 heat. The pic shows some garnets we dredged up. The pic was taken with my phone so the quality aint that good.


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We have had 50 days over 100 so far this summer and our water temp is in the upper 80's. 88 degrees to be exact. Its almost like taking a bath. I use a Keene 4" triple stage dredge. It doesnt do to bad on our fine flour gold. My permited area is about a 1/2 mile from the damn. Its a hydro electric damn so they genarate water at least once a day. It can make things kinda sporty at times. The water will go from dead calm to a raging river in a matter of a few minutes. keeps it interesting. :o


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Ridge Runner

As Texans I beleive its our Civic duty to keep the rest of the country from going bankrupt. I beleive that its our responsability to go out to those western states and spend our worthless greenbacks. In return all we ask is that we can take back some of those worthless yellow rocks. :rolleyes: In these hard time its the right thing to do :D


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Todd your as bad as I am.What is it they say is kick the bull out of a Texan and he won't be three feet tall.

The best to you!

Chuck Anders

PS I hope your getting better after the sickness you had.You got to get well soon, them there hills are full of gold washing down into that Llano river if we could get some rain.

:spank: Look at this guy I don't know if he's chap are just got sun burn.You don't call that a crack anymore it's called rear cleavage.

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Hi Todd, Wow....you've found more gold near Llano than I have. I dredged near slab road last month on private claim....only found 1 speck of very fine gold and some sand sized garnets and some bird shot....Can you send me a PM, I would like to speak to you about your dredge location. I'm planning another trip to the area. Maybe we could hook up.

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Morning Todd: As I recall the Davis Mountains have gold but not too many seem to know about the particular ares to prospect. During the time I live in Houston (Spring Branch area) I once saw some hard rock samples of ore a fellow had mined ... not too shabby either. Good luck and hope ya find enough Au to make that 4" Dredge productive.


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There are several places in Texas where you can find gold, the only problem is that most are on private property. I live in an area that is known as the LLano Uplift. Its and area of Precambrian and Cambrian rock. In this area you can find gold in just about every creek or streem. Most of the gold is around 50 to 100 mesh with an occasional small nugget here and there. I have been on some ranches that have realy good gold even detectable gold, but they are not open to regular prospecting. On state owend land you must file a permit to prospect the area. It cost about .50 an acres to file. Most of the public access areas of the Llano river have been claimed up by our local GPAA chapter http://www.llanotxgpaa.com . The members allow prospectors to prospect these areas for free. If you are looking for a place to metal detect or dredge you can go to Longs Fishing Camp. Its a pay to dig ranch located on the Llano river you can camp, prospect, fish, and hunt for arrowheads 325-388-6131. If you want more info you can pm me todd@llanogold.com.



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