Long Trip Exploring some old Placers

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Hello All,

Yesterday morning several friends and I decided to take a long trip to some old placers we haven't been back to in some time. The area is noted for some pretty big gold, but the amount of trash can be really discouraging at times. If you could take away the square nails and wire it wouldn't be that bad.

We pretty much hunted the entire day digging of tons trash from old buttons, rusted tin cans to modern day lead bullets. During the time down there I played around with a few of the settings on the GPX-4500 once again. I found out for sure that the "Enhance" mode really sacrafices depth, which I pretty much knew from the beginning. Even though this timing is deadly in highly mineralized areas, you do loose depth in this mode. I was hunting pretty much the entire day in Normal timing with various audio, gain and target volumes trying to find out what works best at this locations.

Well I ended up scoring a nice looking 2.3 Dwt gold nugget very deep in an old drywasher screen pile. The nugget was over a foot deep in the pile and was just a faint whisper. I almost walked past this one, luckily I was in Normal timing or I would have missed this gold nugget for sure!

The combination of the GPX-4500 and the new Coiltek Goldstalker Round Mono Searchcoils is amazing.

Here are a few pictures:

Take care,

Rob Allison

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You pros never cease to amaze me! I am guessing it get's old digging up tons of trash but at least you hit pay dirt, being a NEWBIE I still enjoy digging up everything I find, then I can at least say "I found something".

Wondering why the round goldstalker came out in 16" and 18", it just seems like they both would be used in the same type of terrain, I know theoritically the 18" should have a tad more depth penatration, is it just a matter of preference? or are the 16" more suitable for the GPs and 18" GPX's?


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  • Admin

Hey Tony,

This place was loaded with iron rubbish. Most of the trash was pre 1900's from what I seen. In a place like this you just have to keep digging and hope one of your targets is going to be a gold nugget.

As far as the Goldstalker series goes, I'm not sure why they built the 16 and 18-inch. I think these are two of the most popular sizes, or at least it seems like it. My favorite so far is the 18.5-inch elliptical and 16-inch round for bigger gold and the elliptical 14-inch for wash type hunting.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Cool nugget Rob.

I've been digging a ton of trash last two days also, but I always tell myself if there is trash it hasn't had a detector through it. Keeps me going.

I was able to get a couple small nuggets today because of it.


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Rob, Now you know what I run into here in CO when I head out - lead, boot tacks, Ore cart track spikes, tin cans etc. At least you were rewarded. Glad to see your still hard at it.

Take care & watch your back

and keep beepin - Frosty

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