Top of Rich Hill

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2nd Update on the pictures. An excellent day on Rich hill. I did some hiking to the top today! I was starting to wonder me being 50 years old and all I still can make it ... From Weaver creek road to the top 1 hour 50 minutes! Guido



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Guido, cool photos! I like it cuz to see scenic view of Stanton town. Dakota Slim asked you a question about if you find any nuggets? I heard it has alot of gold findings. I will plan to go Rich Hill with Elly soon. I met Elly last weekend during Gold Expo in North Phoenix. We discussed about her own claims. She welcomed me to visit there anytime for my observation. But I missed to attend Desert Special Claims event today due to my personal reason. :blink:

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As for the question of the nuggets...the top of Rich Hill as you see is off limits and claimed up. I don't want any trouble. That sure was a heart breaker. I never realized how all claimed up Rich Hill really is. I was there last in 1998 and boy things have sure changed. What area I could do some swing time I found a Lead battery plate and a horseshoe! I thought those damn horseshoe's are supposed to bring good luck. I would love to look around Devils Nest! What organization owns that now? 24K or LDMA? I would like to become a member then I would be more inclined to visit Rich Hill more often. I may have to do some hunting in Gold Basin since it is closer to Las Vegas where I am at. Also; I would love to take a stab at Meteor Crater in AZ. The area around the crater directly is off limits to detecting, but the ejected fragments have been thrown out to five miles in all directions. By the way guys, thanks for the complements on the photos! Guido

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As for the question of the nuggets...the top of Rich Hill as you see is off limits and claimed up. I don't want any trouble. That sure was a heart breaker. I never realized how all claimed up Rich Hill really is. I was there last in 1998 and boy things have sure changed. What area I could do some swing time I found a Lead battery plate and a horseshoe! I thought those damn horseshoe's are supposed to bring good luck. I would love to look around Devils Nest! What organization owns that now? 24K or LDM? I would like to become a member then I would be more inclined to visit Rich Hill more often. I may have to do some hunting in Gold Basin since it is closer to Las Vegas where I am at. Also; I would love to take a stab at Meteor Crater in AZ. The area around the crater directly is off limits to detecting, but the ejected fragments have been thrown out to five miles in all directions. Guido

Guido...24K Hunter owns Desert Special claim and Devils nest! I do not know about LDMA claims but I am GPAA member now to know alot about it than LDMA. LOL you will love to stab at Meteor Crater. I went there and looked great area to smash from heaven. LOL You seemed interesting to detect the meteor rocks. It's cool. I never had to prospect them before.

If you want to go there. Please look at Flat, sandy, arid grasslands characterise the countryside east of Flagstaff, between the wooded hills of the Mogollon Rim and the delicate hues of the Painted Desert, and the only major natural attraction is the Meteor Crater, which lies 6 miles south of I-40, half way between Winslow and Winona. This huge depression, 0.74 miles in diameter and 550 feet deep was created 49,000 years ago by meteoric impact, and its proximity to the interstate now attracts many visitors despite the high cost of entry - the crater has been privately owned by the same family since early investigations began in 1902 by Daniel M. Barringer, and is now a thriving commercial enterprise complete with such modern requirements as a movie theater, restaurant and gift shop. Entry prices (year of 2007) were $15 per adult/$7 per child (free for the under 7).

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Yes, very cool pics! I've only been to that area for a couple of days and that was 3 or 4 years back. I did not know anything about the area so dared not venture beyond the Weaver claim or Decision Corner so that perspective is unfamiliar to me. I am trying to remember the layout of the roads and can not figure out where Decision Corner is in your pics. Are those the 24k scrapes in the first pic? And the road that runs to Congress/Stanton following the foot of that other hill? Thanks for posting the pics Guido!

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Guido. Yes the whole top of Rich Hill is claimed or privately owned. The guy who has the private land where the fresh bulldozing is will turn you in to the sherrif just for walking on his land. most of the pictures were taken from the Gholsons claims who have no problems with you taking pictures and I'm sure Chris enjoyed the pictures also. Those claims are some of the best on Rich Hill and are for sale. The only access is the way you did it. The only road up there crosses that private land and the owner refuses to grant passage. The 80 acres of claims are very reasonably priced and one extends down to the top end of the 24K claims in the devils nest and all the claims have produced large nuggets. The last block of claims we sold in the Rich Hill area have so far produced nuggets of 11 ounces, several in the 2 ounce range , several one ouncers and many, many smaller nuggets. The buyer was extremely pleased with those claims and recovered the purchase price very quickly. He is also interested in selling his claims now , as a business interest no longer allows him time to spend on them. Anyone interested in any of these properties can contact me at


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Wow..Chis Gholsons owns a claim up there...I have read his book Rich Hill and some of his articles and on the way out I stopped at Stanton park area and bought his DVD on Nugget Hunting Essentials. If you read this link...Sorry for trespassing Chris! You got quite the view up there. Kamikaze...24K owns the push area in picture 1 and the road that wraps around the hill goes to Stanton/Congress ...Guido

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  • Admin

Hey Guido,

That is one hell of a hike! I'm done it many of times, from different sides. The fastest hike is now off limited, but we had it down to about 45 minutes from the base of Rich Hill.

I used to also be the carekeeper of the Potato Patch claims back with Jack and Laura Culp owned them. However, due to jealous I got ran out by some clowns! Long story ....

Just so everyone knows, Potato Patch is Private Property surrounded by a large group of unpatented mineral claims. I heard the new owner was allowing some people from the Stanton Camp to come up and take pictures only. If you have never seen the top, it's an amazing place to see. The oldtimers really placered the top of the hill hardcore. I'm sure there was some really big gold nuggets found in the early days.

The entire top of the mountain has been worked very hard by metal detectors going back to the early to mid 70's.

I recommend anyone wanting to hike to the top and metal detect to join the 24K Gold Hunters claims. The 24K club does have claims that join right up to the claims on top and probably have some potential. However, there are no road, so it does require hiking to the top of the mountain.

My cousin, Chris Gholson also has a few claims on top (Frenchman's Flat).

Take care,

Rob Allison

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