GPX-4000 Timings - I need confirmation

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Hey Folks,

I would like to get some confirmation on my understanding of the timings of the GPX4000. Please yell at me if I am wrong.

#1. There are 4 timings (Normal, Salt, Sensitive Smooth, Sensitive Extra).

#2. Sensitive Smooth and Sensitive Extra can only be enabled via software if the soil/timing switch on the front panel is toggled to Sensitive.

So far, pretty straight forward. Here is the part I don't like.

#3. If the soil/timing switch is toggled to (N)ormal then selecting Sensitive Smooth or Sensitive Extra via software will have no impact on the timings. It will use Normal timing.

#4. If the soil/timing switch is toggled to Salt then selecting Sensitive Smooth or Sensitive Extra via software will have no impact on the timings. It will use Salt timing.

If I am correct, and this is a matter of preference, but would it not be better if the Sensitive Smooth and Sensitive Extra settings NOT be visible in the LCD if the (N)ormal timing or Salt timing is toggled on the front panel?


Tony Teixeira

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Hello Tony,

That is correct. If you're in Normal or Salt timing the "Sensitive" menu is disabled even though you can still choose it. Minelab don't make this real clear in the GPX-4000 and GPX4500 instructional manuals.

Take care,

Rob Allison

Instruction manual? What?

Oh, yea! I have one of those...... just kidding I have read that bad boy front to back about 10 times.

Thanks once again Rob!

Tony Teixeira

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One of my biggest complaints with the GPX series machines is exactly what you are talking about. It creates a lot of confusion because people are making adjustments in the "software" not realising there has to be a hardware adjustment too :spank: . I think from memory there is an audio indication on the 4500 if the Special switch is not selected when flipping through the options in the Special menu. But yes very confusing for the uninitiated. :wacko:


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