GPX-4000 Finds

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Hey Guys,

It's been a while since I have posted, I have been real busy with family life, and the holidays.

My last trip down to the goldfields was early Nov. and I am hoping to make it out one more time again this year... weather pending. :huh:

I upgraded from the 3000 to the 4000 last fall, and I thought I would share what I have been able to find with it so far.

All finds were made with Nugget-Finder coils.

I wish all of you the very best in any upcoming prospecting adventures.



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Hey Gus,

That is a great showing of gold nuggets. Just goes to show if you're persistant and spend enough time in the field the gold is out there to be found.

Nuggetfinder? :spank: Haha.... It don't matter what you use, you just have to get over the gold nuggets.

How much gold is pictured there in ounces?

Great finds, please continue to post and show us what you turned up.

Rob Allison

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Gosh Gus,

Looks like you are getting a pretty

good handle on how to operate

that machine!

I wish I could have such a show

and tell as you...DANG!

I may have another trip

left in me as well.

I have been thinking and

watching and maybe the

weather will hold for

another trip down south...


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Thanks guys,

Hey Rob,

I know you're a Coiltek rep/user, and I am sorry for mentioning Nuggetfinder coils on your forum, but I have been very pleased with them.

Total weight in the photo is just over 5-1/2 ounces.


You have made some great finds yourself, and you know how to run your machine as well as anybody.

I just checked the extended forecast for next weekend down south, and they are calling for single digits lows :(

Must be another cold front moving in. Put a little breeze on that temp and you're miserable.

Maybe things will change, I sure would like to get out again.

Give me a call anytime.


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Hey Gus, nice pile of gold.

Reading this forum for awhile I have seen that you are quite good at sniffing' out the gold. You said you upgraded from a 3000 to a 4000. Just wondered why when you were getting a lot of gold with the 3000? I don't know a thing about mine-labs but I'm going to get one and go for it. Getting to old to dig all day anymore.

I don't know which one to buy. If you are getting rid of your 3000 for something newer and its plane you know what your doing I guess I don't want to buy a 3000. And then I was wondering why you got a 4000 and not the new 4500. I see there is about $500 difference in price. Should I take it you don't think the 4500 is worth the extra $500 bucks or is the 4000 the best one for the ground you work?

I'm down south and work the Greaterville area but I'm not sure about the ground as far as it being hot and I know you guys talk about different machines and coils for different areas. Got any idea what machine would be best for the Greaterville area? maybe there are some other guy here who know what machine would be best down here.

Anyway, thanks for any info on these machines that I might use in determining which one to get. Thanks Gus and I hope you do get another trip in this year and I'll be waiting to see the pictures of the beautiful gold you seen to always some how kick the dirt off of.


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Hi Rob,

I did not know Chris was your cousin. That's neat, he is a great guy. :P

Tell Ralph I said hello, and I look forward to hunting with him again. I hope his foot is doing better.

Tell him if he is finding any gold, we want to see pictures.

Thanks Rob, talk to you later.


Thank you for your compliments. I bought my 4000 in 2007, and the 4500 did not come out until spring of 2008.

Your right though, I was finding great gold with the 3000. But everyone I talked to about the 4000 was telling me that if I was doing that good with 3000, I would be doing even better with the 4000.

The 3000 is a good machine.... A couple of benefits I found with the upgrade:

The 4000 seems to run quieter, which can allow you to hear the those faint targets that may have be drowned out by previous ground noise. There is fewer knobs and dials to get bumped in transport. The battery pack is half the weight. The ability to adjust the gain up or down in hot or cold ground. Battery level check. I constantly ground balance, so not having to reach to the underside of the detector every 5 minutes in nice feature as well.

Whatever machine you decide on, you need to know how to operate it.

It would be wise to purchase your machine from someone who offers free field training with purchase.

I was actually trained by Gerry's detectors in Idaho. He met us down in Nevada.

There was a whole group of people, and whenever someone got a signal everybody got to listen to it. I was able to find my first nugget in 15 minutes.

Good luck Al, B)


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Hey Guys,

Gus, yep Chris is my cousin. We spent a lot of time together in the goldfields in the early to mid 90's. Here is a picture of us standing at the base of Rich Hill when the getting was pretty good. Back then an ounce a day wasn't uncommon. If you found less than 1/4 ounce per day that was a bad day. Hey, which one is better looking? LOL :wacko:


Hey Al C. - I've done very well around Greaterville with a Minelab. However, the grass is a big problem right now. I believe the last time I was down there the grass was 3-4 foot tall. :angry: Be prepared to dig a lot of iron rubbish if you haven't already down there.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hey Guys,

Gus, yep Chris is my cousin. We spent a lot of time together in the goldfields in the early to mid 90's. Here is a picture of us standing at the base of Rich Hill when the getting was pretty good. Back then an ounce a day wasn't uncommon. If you found less than 1/4 ounce per day that was a bad day. Hey, which one is better looking? LOL :wacko:

Better Looking? I am going to have to go with the 3 rock to the left in the foreground. lol

Just Kidding, of course it's the one who offers the best discount!!

Take care!

Tony Teixeira

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