Nice new nugget today

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Yo All...Today was a great day for hunting gold nuggets in the big AZ...First of all, I finally realized that the falsing I've been experiencing n my rig was not my coils but my connections between my PocketRocket and my Doc's Goldscreamer Signal Enhancer...So I built myself a new five pin connector about 5" long ... What a difference that made...Second, I did an attitude shift...Montana Bob Dansie and I hunted together a few days ago and he pointed out an area that I'd always decided simply didn't have nuggets...But he found three nuggets there totaling shy of a quarter ounce...

So, today, I started thinking about areas that I had decided "didn't have nuggets" for whatever reason...I started at the midpoint of a wash that I'd found nice gold at the top of...I beeped about ten feet and got a beer can sound... I almost didn't dig it, but then launched myself into a 20 minute bout of cursing and calling the noisey target everything but a nugget Finally, it dawned on me that the target was down in the green schisty bedrock...Guess what!!!! This beautiful and somewhat strange nugget, just shy of 1/4 ozt...Here, as usual, a bunch of pix...Your Unc in the Dubyah is a happy guy....Cheers

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Hi Cuz, Don & guys....Slim, you're right, just about every time Montana & I have hunted together I've picked up a nuance or concept that turned into nuggets in short order...The other day he told me, "Now go clean up that spot," and 20' into it I hit that nugget...I'll be going back, of course, but I usually quit after getting my nugget bone gently massaged...For me it's the hunt, the find then hang out with Mom Desert and enjoy...Don't get rich that way, but sure feels good...Cheers, Unc

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Yo Jim & Rob....This is a very mineralized area and it sure has provided some interesting nuggets...Within a radius of about 1/2 mile I've pulled about a half pound (troy) of nice nuggets this year...They didn't come easy but they did come fun...Rob, I am using a big boys' detector...It doesn't have a TV screen and it works even when I accidently drag it behind the quad.... :wacko::rolleyes::D:D Cheers, Unc

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