Happy Birthday Largo!

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Hey you guys,

Thanks for the early b-day wish...

Actually, I WAS born on Friday, Feb. 13, not sure if that was a lucky day for

my Mom, but I think it was for me... I got my first spankin' that day, too! :spank:

I hope we can go beeping sometime too, Grubstake!

And as far as ice fishin... I like to do that too, Cuz!

It hasn't been cold enough down where we are for the reservoir to freeze, but a hundred miles

to the north it has...

Thanks again!


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Hi Gary,

I'm glad you put them to good use! They are very comfortable to wear in the field.

I have that spur in a place I can look at it whenever I want to. I wish it could talk, I would imagine

it could tell some interesting stories...

Thanks for the birthday wish, went out this a.m. for breakfast with my wife

to a nice restaurant out away from the hustle and bustle of this crazy town.

Take care, and keep in touch!


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Hi Doc,

Yes, the years are flying by. I can't

believe I am 67 now. 67!! Shite,

I feel like I'm now on a downhill

slide towards the inevitable, but

I still feel good, and try to keep the

necessary optimism about life


My kids keep their families growing,

and I just keep on chugging, trying

to do all the stuff I need to do, and

then get some gold hunting a few

times a year.

The wife says to go

out for at least a month this next time,

to see if I can get the "big one".

Soooo...that is what I am working

towards, a long stint out in the

desert somewhere.

We'll see how

that works out.

Thanks for the b.d.



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