DOCs been a bit off colour

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DOC a little birdie told me you have been off your tucker, hope you start to feel a little more human again very soon. :blush:


PS keep away from the swine mate there not good for you this time of year. :blush::wacko::spank:

PPS Spoke with Trev from Coiltek Manufacturing yesterday, seems someone showed him a wonderful time in Vegas recently, any ideas who that might be and does it have anything to do with being off colour? :blush:

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JP, Thanks for the well wishes. Give me a day or two and I will be right as rain. Monday my wife came down with all the symptoms of food poisoning. Throwing up, diarrhea, fever, muscle aches, generally just felt like she had been poisoned.

Tuesday she still felt a bit rough but no more throwing up, just sore to the bone. Wednesday she was feeling better but she said she felt like she had been put through the wringer.

Wednesday night at 11:30 pm. I started feeling weird, achey legs, stomach not right, I just knew what was coming. I went to bed with a big bowl, knowing that if vomiting hit me, it wouldn't give me anytime to get to the toilet. Well I had a really fitful night. I was cold then I was hot, then I was cold but sweating like a mad man. At 5:00 am it hit me, thank god I had that big bowl. It saved a horrible mess. So yesterday I went through what my wife did.

Today I still feel like crap, but no throwing up. I have no appetite. I think Trevor brought over some of that Kangaroo flu that is going around.

Today I went to Minelab, and one of the repair guys had gone through the same thing Monday, he thought he got food poisoning as well. But after hearing my story we have concluded that it is a stomach flu /virus that is apparently going around.

I think hurling has got to be one of the most cruel things a human body can go through, I mean besides marriage. (Just kidding honey! :spank: )


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Geese Doc I was just kiddin, but it sounds like its more than just bottle flu. Hope your feelin better soon. does sound like food poisoning though? Did ya hit the shrimp bar? Ive heard from others eating the shrimp there can be a cramp or crap shoot. I'll tell ya Doc last time I ate at the cold shrimp bar there I ended up redecorating the bathroom while I was praying to the porcelain gods, never again. Take Care! AzNuggetbob

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Hope you start to feel better soon Doc, please feel free to wait before shipping the order I'm going to place this week.. (or at least feel free to wear a mask while packing it) :girl:

Kidding... get better soon.


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DOC glad you're feeling better - I had the same thing hit me at 0200 @ the firehouse, no fun there believe you me esp. since I couldn't leave till 0700, 5 hrs of pure hell & then it took 3 days just to get right. Nasty stuff :wacko: , it's something I would wish on my worst enemy maybe even two fold.

Take care, watch your back & keep on beeping - Frosty

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Greeting from AZ Doc. This 76 year old bald headed prospector has no wish to suffer any malady be it H1N1 or food born viruses! Praying to the porcelain god -- been there, done that and don't want to again. My K 9 friend and companion Miss L. C. Hooker doesn't like for me to be that kind of sick

Hope you are on the mend.


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Well guys as of yesterday I started feeling better and today I can verify that I am 100%. Got my appetite back. That bug was a bruiser. It started on Wednesday night at 11:30, fever muscles aches, bad stomach. At 5:30 in the morning the puking hit me until I had nothing left. Then Thursday afternoon the diarrhea. Fever headache and alternating chills and hot sweats. Friday I still had a bad stomach but the throwing up had stopped. Had diarrhea through Sunday, although I wasn't eating hardly anything, I had no appetite at all. Monday morning I started feeling better. By Monday night I actually felt hungry so I ate a little. Later I ate some more, and all was well. Today I woke up and felt right as rain, good appetite and all seems to be normal in the intestinal track.

I am giving you all this vivid details so in case you get it you will know what to expect, and not think you are dying. It's just a really shitty, no pun intended, case of the flu.


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Well guys as of yesterday I started feeling better and today I can verify that I am 100%. Got my appetite back. That bug was a bruiser. It started on Wednesday night at 11:30, fever muscles aches, bad stomach. At 5:30 in the morning the puking hit me until I had nothing left. Then Thursday afternoon the diarrhea. Fever headache and alternating chills and hot sweats. Friday I still had a bad stomach but the throwing up had stopped. Had diarrhea through Sunday, although I wasn't eating hardly anything, I had no appetite at all. Monday morning I started feeling better. By Monday night I actually felt hungry so I ate a little. Later I ate some more, and all was well. Today I woke up and felt right as rain, good appetite and all seems to be normal in the intestinal track.

I am giving you all this vivid details so in case you get it you will know what to expect, and not think you are dying. It's just a really shitty, no pun intended, case of the flu.


Just don't take the Tamiflu and don't eat any Soya or corn.... :)

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I watched the video, pretty scarey.


Did you watch all 10 of the clips? Pretty wild eh.... it's one thing making plants immune to herbicide but it's a real mind screw having them become addicted to it... OY VAY!!!! (slapping my forehead).

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DOC a little birdie told me you have been off your tucker, hope you start to feel a little more human again very soon. :blush:


PS keep away from the swine mate there not good for you this time of year. :blush::wacko::spank:

PPS Spoke with Trev from Coiltek Manufacturing yesterday, seems someone showed him a wonderful time in Vegas recently, any ideas who that might be and does it have anything to do with being off colour? :blush:

Generally in the U.S. being "off color" means telling racy jokes or using salty language, glad to see when I clicked on the link that it was not the title to a flame war. :closedeyes:

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