Week One 2010 Moore Creek Sold Out

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Well, that did not take long. The last time I'll be personally hosting the visitors at Moore Creek is the first week of next year and it just sold out. Sorry I'll be missing some of you guys that have been visiting the mine for years. You may be in other weeks but I'm afraid I won't be.

This may be the last chance to get bulldozer support for the metal detecting. I've been talking to the new owners and they think that after the first couple weeks that may be it for the dozing. Going forward they want to style it a bit more as a family oriented thing with the emphasis on highbanking. If they stop dozing there will still be nuggets to be found but people will have to work harder for them and they will deplete over time.

Steve Herschbach

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I think thats a bad move not dozing :wacko: and only time will tell as far as buisness is concerned :unsure: ---good luck to you Steve on your new venture ;) ---Mike C... :ph34r:

Hi Mike,

It is only a bad move regarding people with detectors. GPAA Nome pulls in way more people with no promise of a nugget found with a detector. Good news is it is not my call any more.

Thanks for the good luck thing - except I have no idea what that new venture is yet. But I've got some ideas!

Steve Herschbach

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Yo, Steve...Tonight on the Travel Channel I saw you and the chick and her film crew with you...You're bigger than you look on the internet.... :D :D :D ... I've always been turned off by folks who look at beautiful gold and their first reaction is , "What's it worth?"...But still it was very cool to see your efforts on the tube..Congrats...And I hope your deal with the new MC owners works out good...Back in the early '80's me and my two partners sold a group of mines to some boys from Salt Lake City and they ended up suing us...Their grounds?: We understated the amount of gold per yard!!!! They were pulling twice what we represented...We didn't have the funds for lawyers so they ended up getting $2 Million +++ in gold property for about $50,000 by the time it all shook out...'Course, they had some backing from Utah, if you know what I mean....Anyhow, I'm rambling about the old days, and I hope the new guys on Moore do it right, and right by you, too...Cheers, Unc

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Hi Ron,

Her name is Kirsten Gum. Very nice gal actually. I guess I was expecting maybe some kind of diva that would be afraid to get dirty. Turns out she was born in Alaska and is a very down to earth person.

The money thing was the only issue I had with the show. We did not spike the ground and I warned then that on an overnight trip they had little chance of getting much gold. You have to work hard at it a week to show much. So I think the show did show fairly that it is not a go out and fill up your pockets sort of thing.

But the idea the gold was only worth a few bucks belied the fact that it was the first gold they ever found, and although small by Moore Creek standards larger than many people ever find. They need more emphasis on the fun and adventure and less on the get rich quick thing.

Mine sales can get complicated. This one was easy in one regard as not only was I not really trying to make a sale I actually told the guys we'd be just as happy if they did not buy it. It was more about them wanting to buy it as opposed to us wanting to sell it. But if they fail to make all their payments I could still end up with it back, but I do not think that is going to happen. These guys are half retired and wanting the lifestyle more than anything.

I've already picked up claims elsewhere and so am not lacking for places to go.

Steve Herschbach

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Hello Guys,

I'm also a bit puzzled on the comment. Not sure I understand it either .... :wacko:

We all know Moore Creek was a great place for any type of propsector to find some color. I'm going to miss the place, but knowing Steve he has something else cooking. Hopefully another place we can come metal detect in the future.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Moore Creek was a life-long dream come true. But the real story is that I am a prospector, not a miner. The people who bought the place are miners, and they are mining away right now. And doing well, I might add. So in reality the place is now in the hands of people who are doing what the place is meant for - mining gold.

For me I'd already done most of what I'd set out to do at Moore Creek. I did want to see the new camp with cabins finally up and running via the lease I've been working on for 5 years. But in another year I would have that done (just got the lease) and so would have run out of things to do. The pay-to-mine thing has been fun but after a few years was getting to be old hat also.

So it was a smidge earlier than I was looking for, but I was ready to move on. And I'm not lacking for places to go.

I already have new claims I picked up last year in the Wrangell Mountains. The place has some of the richest ground I've ever seen. Check it out at http://www.akmining.com/mine/jour123.htm I made a week long trip up there a month ago and found a little spot where two yards shoveled into a high banker got 3 ounces of gold. Ounce plus per yard is hard to come by, but this place has it. A 4" dredge can average over a half ounce a day at this place and the potential for bonanza pockets is high. But the real reason I got it along with some partners (hi george) is that it is one of the most spectacular places I've ever been, perched high in the midst of scenary few people will ever get to see. At five thousand feet you are surrounded by ten thousand foot mountains. It really is just a place to go and hang out. The gold is secondary.

But I have a long list of other places to go. I am limited only by time, and with Moore Creek behind me the entire state has once again become my stomping ground. I'm not seeing any pay-to-mine stuff in my immediate future but you never know. That was never a goal when I got Moore Creek but it ended up happening. But right now I'm more interested in just seeing new places. I'm thinking Coldfoot/Wiseman is where I'll end up next. I worked up there years ago but had no time to prospect. Another place where I can just smell the gold. I 've been wanting to prospect up there for years and I think it is finally time to make it happen.

We also retain the hardrock rights at Moore Creek and so I'm really not 100% done with the place. The market is pretty screwed up right now as it is hard to find the big bucks needed for lode exploration. But the property still has potential so we will see later what develops along those lines.

Steve Herschbach

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Hi Steve,

Good to hear that you are once again getting out there and prospecting. I'm hoping that you will now have more time to add entries into your journals. I totally enjoy reading about your adventures to places that I can only dream about. Have fun and stay safe!

ps I sure will miss my week at MC with Steve and gang...

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Hi Steve Wow have had a tough time logging into 'Rob's, finally made it this morning. We had a good time at our new "Digs" the country there is breath taking........Gary is here in Tn right now going to the U.K. myself on the 17th of Oct....did find a few small pieces of gold in Scotland a few years back those folks really have the laws against them glad we are where we are......Geo

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