Main Phone Line is Down ....

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Hello All,

Since these recent storms our main phone line has been down. I've probably got nearly 100 emails and a handful of PM's about it. I have a tech coming out in the morning to check it out, but it will be down until Sunday mid-morning. Just wanted to give you all an update.

Also, we are in the process of moving, so we might not respond to emails and phones calls right away like we have in the past. The moving process sucks!

Just wanted to update you all.

Rob Allison

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Rob, you should get a SKYPE phone number like I do. It's around $130 a year. Unlimited outbound FREE long distance throughpout the U.S. and Canada.

You can call forward your regular number into your SKYPE number. All calls are collected and people are allowed to leave voice mails on your computer. Even those shy customers that hate to leave phone numbers, it captures their numbers and holds them in order via caller id. All in a control window on your computer. When you are ready to return calls you get yourself a headset with microphone, and click on the number on your computer and it calls the customer using VOIP.

I have saved a ton of money using this system. My inbound long distance for my 800 toll free number and outbound long distance would cost me around $1200 a month. We all know how we like to talk, and customers love to talk when they are calling on your toll free line and it isn't costing them anything. Which I totally understand, I am happy to talk to them. But now, I rarely answer my 800 line. I let it go to voice mail, that costs me about 2 minutes of inbound 800 charges. Then I call them back on SKYPE and it's FREE and customers can talk as long as they want and it doesn't cost either of us anything.

I have dropped my long distance bills from $1200 a month to around $75 a month.

And in an emergency, like this when you main line is down, you can publish your SKYPE phone number and your customers can call in on that. It may cost them a few cents to leave a message because the SKYPE inbound number is not toll free. But then you can call them back for free.


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  • Admin

Hello Doc,

Sounds like a great system. There are times when long distance customer call and we are on the phone chatting about gold for over an hour. It's normally on my dime and my long distance sometimes is high, much higher than I want. I might have to look into this SKYPE.

I will probably call you directly and get more information about it.


Rob Allison

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