Interesting TV show coming up - America's Gold

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Hey I wanted to mention that there is an up coming television program the forum members would probably enjoy on the History channel next Tuesday, March 2nd at 9 pm. Its an episode of "How the Earth Was Made" a televison show on geology. This particular episode is called "America's Gold" and is about gold mining in America, but covers everything from the gold rushes of the 1800s to individual prospectors, on up to big mining operations. I spent a day with the film crew last June and they recorded me in a lot of different scenes, but who knows how much of that they actually used (I might be in it for 10 minutes or it might only be 10 seconds!). They also shot a bunch of footage at the famous 16 to 1 mine in Alleghany California, and out at the big mines in Nevada. Anyway, it should be interesting to watch.



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I did dredge for about 20 minutes, which they filmed using an underwater camera set up (which after around 20 minutes sprung a leak and they quickly removed it from the water, but they did get a good amount of footage). Other than that, I did no actual prospecting during the filming - I was mostly explaining and showing things that they filmed. I did bring some nice nuggets which I had found in the past, and I did show them off.


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Hi Chris, not sure you'll be the same guy after becoming a famous TV star. I can see them groupee's camping in your driveway might piss off your neighbors. Looking forward to March 2nd.

Great book, after reading many and still not getting the big picture. It's starting to penetrate my thick skull. I went back and re-read parts of Maley, Pettijohn, Wolff, etc. and now I can understand them. Thanks, you've succeeded where many have failed. Being I'm denser than Pt that's saying something. Thanks again great book...

Keep Smiling... :)

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