Wow, gold is going up pretty quickly

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This morning it's at $1542/oz. Seems like only a week or so ago it just crept to 1500. I wonder if it'll hit 1600? Also wondering if it will be harder to sell. Gotta find some first though... :lol:

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We need a savvy businessman in the whitehouse that can figure out how to over ride these big b#sturds that are really running this country from behind the scenes that people never see. I love the price of gold but hate the rest of the situation especially gasoline.

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Yeah, gas and food... I'm getting hammered at the pumps. I have a fullsize diesel truck and paid $4.50 something a gallon yesterday. I'm dreading what this summer's going to look like. And why diesel fuel is more expensive than supreme unleaded is beyond me. But anyway

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not the poor the middle class

Yeah, the poor are living the good life, in California at least. Free rent (section 8), hundreds of $$$ every month for tax free food (food stamps). Unemployed welfare recipients are having RibEye steak BBQ's for dinner and the working man is having Hamburger Helper. Somthin aint right here...


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After what happened to gold today, I'd have to say that people (institutions) are taking short positions in gold. I think even the most bullish would have to agree that a correction is in order. If I'm wrong, I'd say that something very strange and uncomfortable is about to happen and *some* people have inside information as to what it is.

Think about this for a minute: Right now, a $5 roll of ordinary silver or silver clad dimes is worth about $160. I just watched one go for that much on ebay.

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I've heard rumblings that apmex is begging people to buy gold from the private sector and they are running lower than usual on physical gold to sell, they are also supposedly buying up gold from people at above spot price. If true, that tells me that they know gold will very likely go significantly higher still.

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Apmex sent out an email that they are buying bullion over spot price for US Mint products from their customers. There are paying $3 over spot for silver ASE's and $38 over spot for GAE's. They have a lot of other bullion in stock for sale. The US Mint has been rationing the ASE to dealers this year. They are going for bug bucks on the bay also.

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Apmex sent out an email that they are buying bullion over spot price for US Mint products from their customers. There are paying $3 over spot for silver ASE's and $38 over spot for GAE's. They have a lot of other bullion in stock for sale. The US Mint has been rationing the ASE to dealers this year. They are going for bug bucks on the bay also.

Thanks for clarifying that Matt, I received my information second or third hand so things were bound to get mixed up in the exchange.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After what happened to gold today, I'd have to say that people (institutions) are taking short positions in gold. I think even the most bullish would have to agree that a correction is in order. If I'm wrong, I'd say that something very strange and uncomfortable is about to happen and *some* people have inside information as to what it is.

Freakishly spot on.....

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