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Hey all, I got out Father's Day weekend and met up with a few buddies at Sawtooth, NV. We were basically crumb hunting with the GBPros. The area we hit has really been gone over but we were able to get few small pickers. Made for a fun trip out with the guys. TRINITYAU/RAYMILLS

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Hey all, I got out Father's Day weekend and met up with a few buddies at Sawtooth, NV. We were basically crumb hunting with the GBPros. The area we hit has really been gone over but we were able to get few small pickers. Made for a fun trip out with the guys. TRINITYAU/RAYMILLS

Good job Ray!

You deffinently have the GBPro down pat.

Keep it up.


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  • Admin

Hey Ray,

Sawtooth is a great place to hunt and many kilos of gold was found in the general area. The Northern Nevada desert is a great place to hunt for gold. I personally haven't been there in a couple of years, but sure miss the place.

Thanks for sharing.

Rob Allison

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Hey everyone, I have already posted about the Knob on Chris Gholson's forum.

Hey Rob... Referring to AzOverlands post: Several weeks ago I sent you a letter on how to setup the X-Terra 70 to check the dirt strength. (Did you get the letter?)

The procedure was sent to me by "Barnacle Bill" back in March 2007. My Bad as I did not try it. But likely it will also work on the 705. The X-70 finds small gold and could be another choice... Rob; could you please post Barnacle Bill's procedure? It would take me a long time to "two finger" hunt and peck the procedure... (Kevin Hoagland would know about this procedure if there is a problem with it.)

All... if you happen to have a copy of "The Nuggetshooter's Bible" Vol 3, 7th edition ref pg. 268 and 269 (regarding "common Placer deposits") and especially "our" Rob Allison's comments on "Regional Gold Runs" as printed on pg. 269...

Rob... if you wish... and I hope you will... you have my permission to post whatever you wish re: pgs 268-269 including

the comments regarding "Lunk." To share knowledge is great...

Jim Straight aka "Tailgate" :):):):)

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