Need direction!!!!

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First and foremost, I am sorry if this post offends anyone, but I have covered all avenues on my end that I have been able to find.

Can anyone tell me where, in Southern California, Las Vegas, or Arizona, I can find a record dealer? I have a huge lot of 3,376 vinyl records that I am trying to get rid of and I have not had any luck here in SoCal. I just may not be looking in the right place and I am hoping that someone here can just set me on the right path.

Again, I apologize if this post is out of place but I could not find a place on the forum that it would fit, and I know I can trust just about everyone on here.

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Heres a place in Az...Zia Records


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Hi Chris,

I hope you won't be offended if I give you the straight scoop.

Blue Meanie Records in El Cahon used to be one of the big ones but like most of the business they closed a few years ago.

Trax N Wax on Central Av. in Phoenix is the biggest dealer in the Southwest since the early 80's.

Brothers Don and Dennis used to run it together but Dennis just passed this May. Don still runs the store and does know his stuff and he's honest. Don is probably your best bet in the Southwest. If you have some exceedingly rare stuff you might contact Russ Soloman (founder of Tower Records), he is probably the biggest collector in the business. He drives a hard bargain but if he really wants what you have he will pay.

The vinyl collectable business has gone downhill for years. You can still get good prices for the really rare collectable stuff (First state Butcher Cover in mint or early private issue psychedelia or punk) but the second rate stuff really doesn't have much of a market anymore. You can pretty much throw out the various price "bibles".

Most dealers are going to offer about 10% of market for a large collection. :huh: They have to sit on the vinyl for a long time to make their money back.

Your best bet is to do an honest high-grade of your collection and sell piece by piece on eBay.

If you need more info feel free to PM me or contact me through my site.



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Nuggethead....thanks for the link.

Clay.....awesome info. I only have a few records that would be worth a lot. Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, etc. I have looked them up in price guides and they are worth pretty penny. The "Introducing The Beatles" album line is valued at approx.$1,000. I will try your suggestions. Thanks.

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