Skunk #7 out of the way..

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Welp...went out with a friend today and tried a new area...

We hit a wash that was horrid with trash...when we got further upstream we found a old house that was dumping thier tin in the wash..Interesting old adobe house way back in.

So...went to wash #2

On the way in we saw a 2pt Mule deer. I got some pix of it but unfortunatly the dern camera was set at the lowest resolusion and I cant find the buck in the pix! Arg...

Anyway...wash 2 was a complete bust. Looked really good from google but once we got into it, it was all choked up with big bolders and overburden for a mile.Hit the lower end for a mile and the upper end also. Hiked back out and hit a small wash along side of the road. Most people overlook washes along side of the road thinking they have been hit...not so. We found a lot of old shell casings and barb wire. At least all the washes we hit have not been hunted...but, no yellow stuff. Oh well.

Gonna try to go out first of the new year...maybe ill kill the skunk.

Its all fun.

Tom H.

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Everything looks great om Google maps - then I get out there and the road is impassable in my truck! :lol:

I'm gonna try the SE most part of Greaterville 50/50 land today.

Printed some nice maps from Footprints to assist this directionally-challenged dude in getting to the right spot.


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