Gold of the most important kind!!!

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Gold can be found in many different places and in many different forms. Below is a picture of the best type of gold I could have.


This is my 20 year old son, Aaron. He just returned last week from a 9 month deployment to the Straight of Hormuz off the coast of Iran. He was on the U.S.S. Carl Vinson and we are so glad to have him home.

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Hey Chris, You couldn't be more right about this type of gold. Please tell Aaron that I appriciate what he is doing for our country and our way of life. Have a good one.


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  • Admin

Hey Chris,

I'm sure it's great to see your Son again and also a great honor to know he is protecting our great Country. I have the highest respect for anyone that has served in the Armed Forces.

God Bless your Son Aaron and his entire crew.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Thank you all for the kind words. My son has read this thread and says to all..."No problem. It's my pleasure!"

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