Exploring old Placer Drifts (Coyote Holes) in Arizona

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  • Admin

Hello All,

Here is a short video (sorry about the battery) showing what old coyote holes look like. These are really called "placer drifts" where the old-timers dug down to bedrock and tunneled trying to stay on the paystreak normally right above or on bedrock. The old-timers didn't leave much behind besides iron rubbish. You're very lucky to score a nugget or two from these holes, the old-timers broke up the bedrock and swept it clean in most spots.

That being said, the walls and pillars inbetween holes can be rewarding, but extreme caution must be taken. Most of these holes are unstable and shouldn't be entered. Also make sure you know the land or claim status of any areas before exploring.

If you have questions, please post them back here.

Hope you enjoyed.

Rob Allison

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